Category: Personal Growth

  • How to Live Your Dreams In Life

    how to live your dreams in lifeWhen it comes to how to live your dreams in life it can be quite frustrating. You see others living the lifestyle you desire and wonder how they do it.  When it comes to living your dreams there are several things you could do with your mindset that can change everything.

    Many people think that a positive mindset is just fluff.  They believe the only way to success is to deal with your obstacles and work hard.  While these may be true, the mindset one has is just as important.  When issues come your way the right way of thinking assists you in how you overcome them.  When you have goals you want to reach if you have a lack mentality you may never reach them.

    There is a way of thinking that the successful and happy have.  It makes life obstacles, goals, and dream much easier. Positive thinking is a part of this dream building, as well as a few other key factors. These factors determine how you live, where you live, what obstacles come your way and much more.  This way of thinking is available to everyone. Many believe it is reserved for the elite few.  However when you adopt this way of thinking magical things happen.

    How to Live Your Dreams In Life

    First and foremost, check your thoughts while reading this. Are you thinking this is not true? Are you thinking this person has never been through what I have been through?  If so stop right there.

    It does not matter what anyone else has been through.  Those who have however and bounced back are people one should listen to. Why?  Because they are successful, they have been through life issues, and they have a way of thinking you do not.

    Face Your Fears Live Your Dreams

    If you face the fears you have you are on the right track.  You do not need to delve deep into your past life.  You just need to be honest with yourself of what you are afraid of.  This can be easier for some if they adopt a program of brain retraining.

    When you retrain your brain you retrain the way you think.  Facing your fears becomes more of a joyous goal and a journey rather than a scary chore.  By rewiring your mind obstacles are not as bad as they once were and your dreams do not seem out of reach.

    Keep Calm and Live Your Dreams

    You have all seen the “Keep Calm” pictures.  Staying calm and collected allows for an easier thinking process.  Ideas seem to flow in effortlessly and no matter what comes your way you know everything will be fine

    This is one of the most important parts in my opinion.  Stress makes everything worse.  If you have been wondering how to live your dreams  in life then staying relaxed is of the utmost importance.  This is just a tidbit of information but there is so many free resources available.  These will show you how to achieve the mindset to live your fullest life.

    If you have any helpful tips we would love to hear them! Leave us a comment below.

  • Mary Morrissey Dream Builder Webinar

    The Mary Morrissey Dream Builder webinar is coming up soon. In preparation for this event Mary has released a video series.  This training is free of charge and at this point the 1st to the 3rd video are ready to be viewed.

    Each of these videos covers a different topic.  But each topic has to do with living your dreams.  We all want that, there is not a person in the world that does not have at least one desire.  In this training Mary covers different reasons you may not be where you want to be in life.

    Dream Builder Webinar

    The Dreambuilder 2016 event will be powerful just like each year. Full of quality content and great speakers.  It is best however to watch the video trainings first. Doing this will give you a great intro to the webinar.  As mentioned there are 3 videos now released. Below is a short overview of what you may discover.

    Two hidden signals the Universe is sending you

    Many people ignore these signs.  But this two signals can help guide you to the life that you desire.  Mary Morrissey reveals these and explains why they can help you move forward quickly. You will also get the “Imagineering’ Action Guide.

    A  Forgotten Secret and the 3 Most Common Dream Traps and How to Avoid Them

    Within this video Mary shares a story about a stranger who shares an incredibly powerful metaphysical secret with her. Along with the Dream traps.  You will get the “Freedom from Fear” Action Guide as well.

    3 warning signs that you’re settling for LESS in life

    In this Dreambuilder Mary Morrissey video you will learn these warnings sign and what they are telling you.  You will also receive the “Where Are You Settling?” Action Guide.

    Advanced dream-building secrets

    This video has not yet been released. However when you watch any of the others you will be notified of when it is ready.  This training secrets will share with you secrets of the best dream builders.  She will also share with you how you can use them to call in your soulmate, transform your current relationship, skyrocket your level of time and money freedom, and much more.

    As you can see there is a lot of free quality content she is offering.  Whether you believe you are living your dreams or not you will gain a nugget or two by watching these.  Also when you watch any of the videos offered you will be notified of when the Dream Builder webinar will begin.

    Bestselling author and world-renowned transformational teacher, Mary Morrissey has helped many.  The Dream Builder Live  video series and webinar are just a few ways to learn more.  By watching and attending these you can form your own review of her and her teachings.

    To watch videos 1 through 3 and to be notified of the webcast you only need to register for one video. You will then have access to them all as well as the action guides.

  • Margaret Paul Loving Yourself

    margaret paul loving yourselfThe Margaret Paul Loving Yourself workshop is a chance for you to discover how to create long lasting self-love. It is so difficult for many to love themselves people search for love everywhere and end up dependent of circumstances.

    To give unconditional love is one of the great blessings of life but one must love themselves first. When it comes to how to love yourself unconditionally our attempts to find a source of love that isn’t dependent on outer circumstances often prove fruitless.

    Love is something everyone needs both individually and collectively.  If you have seen the news you can see the lack of love emanating from many people.  If everyone just took a little time to work on loving themselves there may not be so much upset.

    THIS EVENT HAS ENDED – You can check out the Shift Network Website HERE or the Margaret Paul Best-Selling Book HERE

    While lack of love hurts other around you, it stems from your own self pain.  That pain can be so intense that there may come a point that you give up. That you do not believe you deserve love or are unworthy of it.  That is not the case and no matter how bad you may be feeling right now don’t give in.

    Margaret Paul Loving Yourself

    During this hour long event you will learn how to Approach new relationships from a stance of fullness rather than neediness.  Her Inner Bonding Technique shows you how to use self-love, instead of food or other inadequate substitutes, to fill emptiness. This also will move out of stagnation into a life of aliveness, passion and purpose.  Also if you suffer from anxiety or depression or no someone who does this event will give you an entirely new understanding of the cause.

    Margaret Paul Inner Bonding creator has a proven method on how you can love yourself. During this event entitled 6 Secrets to Fully Loving Yourself: How to Find Your True Self-worth, Heal Spiritually and Live in Joy she will be sharing a bit about this method. If you are unfamiliar with her she is a world-renowned psychologist and author and co-author of several bestselling books.  Some of her books include  Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?

    The Margaret Paul loving yourself method explained during this webcast will show you that unconditional self-love your divine birthright. Even if that is the case the truth is that it is often quite hard to feel this kind of love on a consistent basis.  The struggle of not loving yourself can uproot your entire life.  Love is one of the keys to overcoming addictions, dysfunctional relationships, and so much more.  By attending the 6 Secrets to Fully Loving Yourself Margaret will help you to understand how to share love rather than seek love.

    THIS EVENT HAS ENDED – You can check out the Shift Network Website HERE or the Margaret Paul Best-Selling Book HERE

  • Be a Modern Master Course

    be a modern master courseThe new Be A Modern Master Course with Deborah King is offered by Mindvalley academy, while there are not many reviews available there is a free masterclass where you can learn all about it.  In this short overview we will cover the class and why anyone and everyone should attend.

    Deborah King is a world renowned author and an energy healer, many know her from her different works and her guided meditations. The upcoming event to introduce you to this course is entitled “The first step of the modern master” and during she will share with you How to Release the Emotional Traumas That Are Holding You back.  Now if you are thinking you do not have any trauma this event is for people no matter if they have suffered a major trauma or mini negative events in their past.  Even the smallest traumas imprint your life today and by learning to release those you open your life up to your greatest potential.

    When it comes to the word trauma many think big and while that may be the case for some, the truth of the matter is, if you experienced something that haunts you today no matter how big or how small it is your trauma.  You do not have to experience a break in or be beaten to have something dramatically affect your current state.  It all varies person to person, what may be traumatic for some may not be for others and that is why we stated above that this event is meant for all who are interested in clearing their past and living their fullest.

    Be a Modern Master Course

    This masterclass is about liberating yourself by learning to release the restrictive shackles of your past. You may have heard this before but Deborah King is a bit different, during this event she will share with you how traditional coping skills for trauma are not only ineffective but may be harming you.   You will also learn:

    • How to instantly experience higher vibrations of love and peace.
    • How to find the miracle road to peace that you have been searching for
    • Learn why your dreams, goals and visions go unrealized because of painful traumas and fear
    • Discover the biggest thing holding your potential back
    • Plus get to experience for the first time the Deborah King Saint Germain and the Temple of The Violet Flame visualization experience

    Now for us this was the first time of learning about the sacred violet flame transmutation in general let alone Kings Visualization technique.  The violet flame is a certain spiritual energy that assists you with healing heal emotional problems, traumas, and more.  With the st Germain violet flame you will learn from Deborah you will discover how to let go of your past baggage that has been holding you back for so long.  This Be a Modern Master Course event is going to be a ground-breaking event where you can discover how to live your true purpose and express yourself the fullest. Plus by attending you will get an idea of what and how Deborah teaches and if her methods are speaking to your soul.

  • Recode Your DNA For Wealth

    The Recode Your DNA For Wealth Dawn Clark program is one we have written about before in our Mice and Cherry Blossoms post.  Currently Dawn is giving away some wonderful free resources that will explain and help you recode your DNA for success.

    You may have recode your dna for wealthheard that you past affects your current and future state but you may not have heard how your ancestor’s experiences may also effect where you are today.  If you parents, grandparents or anyone help in you history were subjected to poverty or any other situation that could cause lack of wealth it may explain why you today suffer from “not enough.” While this article focuses on success and money this patterns of the past can affect areas of relationships, love, health and much more.  This may seem unbelievable to you, but if our bodies can store memories why then could we not store our relative’s memories in our DNA?

    Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene

    To help you gain a better understanding of this Dawn Clark is offering a free copy of her book entitled Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  Inside this book you will learn how you can be holding DNA from the past that limits your current success and abundance.  You will not only get an understanding of this but you can learn to identify which triggers may be holding you back and what steps you need to take to remedy it.

    Recode Your DNA For Wealth Webinar

    There is also a free webinar that compliments the eBook that you can attend and during it Dawn Clark will guide you in activating your our Wealth Gene. Now just so you are aware the book and the webinar takes you far beyond the Law of Attraction because it involves science which is great for the skeptics out there. However if you are not a skeptic or are not suffering financially this event is still for you because during it you will discover:

    • The main reason why you can’t seem to reach your dreams and what to do about it
    • How to shatter the old patterns
    • How to reclaim your life by making some quick internal repairs
    • How to transform challenges into exciting opportunities
    • Overcome 6 Generations of Scarcity Programming
    • Turn on Success and Prosperity With Scientifically-Proven Methods
    • Discover the Secret to Activating Your Wealth Gene
    • Find out which of the 7 WIN-States is yours
    • Find out 6 Steps to Succeed Where Others Fail
    • How to Recode your DNA for Wealth and prosperity
    • And More

    If you have been trying everything you know out there to try and enhance and improve areas of your life with little to no success you will want to grab a copy of Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  After you do that you will automatically be notified of when the Dawn Clark Recode Your DNA for Wealth webinar will be happening and how to can register to attend at no charge.

  • How To Let Go Of Family Issues

    One of the most difficult things may people struggle with is how to let go of family issues.  I myself have struggled with that quite often, you can find yourself at peace and then the next thing you know you are exposed to a member of your family and it all comes rushing back.  There are ways to resolve these issues some work quicker than others and some require some ongoing work, but if you truly desire to let them go these techniques are well worth the time.

    Struggles with family members range from severely traumatic to mild annoyances but either way they can greatly affect your life.  Some main issues with family members seem to be guilt, rejection, neglect, and fear, depending on a person’s life these emotions could have come from an ongoing action by a relative or a onetime statement or action that has stuck with you for all this time.  Either way they are painful or whether you realize it or not affect almost every area of your life including your health.

    How to let go of family issues

    How to Let Go of Family Issues

    The beliefs and fears instilled in your mind by family can be some of the hardest obstacles to overcome.  The techniques and methods below are quite effective and work very quickly but you have to practice them.

    Some people say that you chose your family members before you were born, that you made a soul agreement so to speak.  You knew at the time you chose these souls that there was something in this life you have to accomplish or succeed at such as forgiveness.  Whether you believe this is the case or not take a moment right now and imagine this were true for you and you did choose them.   What are you supposed to learn? What are these family members evoking in you emotion wise and is it something?   What lesson are you supposed to learn?  If you really try this you may be surprised and what you come up with, here is an example:

    Your mother and father were not mean but were neglectful, they were too busy for your essential needs such as love and acceptance.  They were always there and there were many good times but the love and the security of knowing you could always go to them was not there.

    How does the above scenario affect you now?

    Some ways may include:

    • Always looking for acceptance
    • People pleasing
    • Becoming ultra-dependent and possessive of others

    How could you view this scenario differently so you can let go of family issues?

    If you take the idea of you chose this soul before you were born you can look at the scenario as if you chose them so in this life you could achieve self-love.

    Another way to look at this scenario is that both the mother and the father were children once, what was there childhood like? Was it the same? Full of neglect? If so the parents were just doing what they were taught and what they knew best, it was not that they were intending to hurt you it was simply the way they were treated.

    Taking from the above imagine both the mother and father as children, pull out some of their childhood pictures if you have them.  Imagine those little children that you see in your mind or in the photos being as hurt as you, wanting love and security but always searching and never receiving. By looking at parents in this way you can see them as hurting souls who just did the best they could with the knowledge they had at hand.

    Now the above are conscious ways when it comes to how to let go of family issues, there are many ways you can work with your subconscious mind.  One very effect way is using EFT tapping to let go of the past, EFT or The Emotional Freedom technique is one of the quickest ways we have found to work with a plethora of issues.    The key is to be gentle with yourself when looking at these issues and do not spend a ton of time asking why but asking what can I learn from this and how can it be a benefit verses a curse.