Category: Events

  • Your True Calling with Stephen Cope

    Your True Calling with Stephen CopeYour True Calling with Stephen Cope has a free teaching. The training is called Living a Life of purpose.

    Have you ever found yourself in those moments when your mind drifts off? Do you find yourself wondering if there’s a grander scheme to your daily life? This video that with Stephen Cope is full with wisdom. It is all about how you can infuse you days with extra shots of purpose and joy.


    One’s life can resemble a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces mysteriously missing.

    If you feel like you are chasing after fireflies in the evening twilight? Searching for purpose can sometimes feel like that. But guess what? 

    Stephen Cope is ready to show you the hidden treasure right within your daily experiences.

    Your True Calling with Stephen Cope

    Stephen Cope’s journey at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health makes him a pro at steering people toward their passions and purposes.

    He’s like the seasoned sherpa leading you through the mountain trails of your own existence.


    Peek into the Gem-Filled Video: Unwrapping Your Purpose

    Within this teaching you will get:

    •     Glimpses from the Yoga Playground: You know those “aha” moments that light up your mind during yoga? Stephen’s four timeless teachings could be the keys to unlocking your very own purpose.
    •     Taming the Western Puzzle: We all haveconcepts that leave us scratching our heads, right? Well, Stephen’s rolling up his sleeves to help you navigate this common conundrum.
    •     The Yoga Chronicles: Believe it or not, the ancient yoga stories have more to offer than you’d expect. Stephen will share his of wisdom tucked within those tales. Plus, he will explain how they’re intertwined with your modern journey.

    Your True Calling with Stephen Cope

    If you feel that gentle tug towards a life that harmonizes with your heart’s deepest desires? Stephen Cope’s free video session is worth the watch.

    It’s your passport to uncovering the enchantment woven into each step of your journey.

    In a world that’s always in a hurry, Stephen will remind you that your purpose isn’t stashed away in some distant land. It’s a melody you can dance to, one heartbeat at a time.


  • Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein

    Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph GoldsteinInsight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein will allow you to Discover the Path to Sustained Inner Peace.

    It’s time to embrace the world of meditation, inner exploration and serenity. meditation, now’s the perfect moment.

    If you’ve ever thought about diving into the world of meditation, now’s the perfect moment.


    Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein

    2020—the year that redefined normal. It brought plans to a halt, reshaped lifestyles, and cast a cloud of uncertainty over the future.

    Yet, even amidst this whirlwind of change, there’s an ancient practice that has stood the test of time—an oasis of serenity amid the chaos.

    Insight meditation, also known as vipassana, traces its roots back to the teachings of the Buddha. It has been passed down through generations for over 2,600 years. It remains a tool for calming the mind and unlocking  inner joy.

    The Journey Begins: Nurturing Inner Calm through Insight Meditation

    Embarking on a meditation practice is no easy feat, especially when life feels uncertain

    Sharon and Joseph, pioneers in bringing traditional meditation practices to the West, have been spreading the  magic of meditation for nearly five decades.

    Through the Insight Meditation Center, they’ve empowered countless individuals to initiate and sustain a nurturing meditation journey.


    Unveiling the Meditation Path: What Awaits You

    Curious to explore meditation’s potential in your life? Eager to kickstart your practice with guidance from master teachers? The free webinar offers you a treasure trove of insights:

    •     Shifting from Stress to Serenity. Discover how meditation can be your ally in transitioning from stress and anxiety to happiness and inner peace.
    •     A Timeless Path to Transformation. Dive into a practice that transcends time and remains a gateway to personal transformation and awakening.
    •     Embarking on Your Meditation Journey. Learn about mindfulness and loving-kindness practices that serve as the foundation of your meditation adventure.

    Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & Joseph Goldstein

    Ready to embrace the stillness within?  Join the free webinar to experience the wisdom of Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein as they guide you through the art of insight meditation.

    In a world that often feels like a stormy sea, meditation serves as a source of solace and rejuvenation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to uncover the power of meditation in navigating life’s twists and turns.


  • Trauma and the Embodied Brain

    Trauma and the Embodied BrainThe Trauma and the Embodied Brain offers a free video training. This teaching is called The Myth of Self-Regulation.

    When it comes to our emotional journey, we often hear about the holy grail of “self-regulation.” A place where one can manage their emotions independently, without always relying on external support. But here’s the twist: according to Dr. Bonnie Badenoch, an expert in trauma, our brains are wired to crave human connection. They are also wired for co-regulation, so is the self-reliant goal is as straightforward as it seems?


    In her  video session titled “The Myth of Self-Regulation,” Dr. Badenoch invites you to shake off the conventional beliefs. She offers you a fresh look at how trauma, our brains, and our relationships intertwine.

    Trauma and the Embodied Brain

    Dr. Badenoch’s insights give us a lot to ponder. She points out that our modern society has a crush on left-brain activities such as tasks, facts, and logic. It often sidelines the warmth of right-brain engagement, which thrives on human connection, empathy, and care.

    She challenges us to see “self-regulation” in a new light, one that acknowledges our brain’s need for human bonds.

    The Science of Craving Connection

    Dr. Badenoch unveils the innate human need for deep connections. Our brains are hardwired to sync up and resonate with others. This forms the basis of co-regulation—a critical mechanism for emotional well-being.

    She takes us on a journey through resonance circuitry, mirror neurons, attachment theory, and the polyvagal model.

    Unpacking the Limits of Going Solo

    While teaching individuals to stand on their own emotional feet does sound empowering. However, Dr. Badenoch raises a vital question: Can we truly thrive in isolation?

    She argues that the common approach of nurturing emotional independence often misses the mark in addressing our biological need for human support.

    Instead, she introduces the idea of cultivating an “inner community”. This is an internal network of resources that can empower us, aligning with our brain’s quest for connection.


    Empowerment Through Human Connections

    Through her video, Dr. Badenoch not only dispels the notion of absolute self-regulation but also equips us with the tools to support both others and yourself.

    If the video’s insights resonate with you, Dr. Badenoch takes it a step further. She offers an eight-session online course, “Trauma and the Embodied Brain: A Heart-Based Training in Relational Neuroscience for Healing Trauma,” for those eager to dive deeper.

    For those who seek to understand how trauma impacts our  brain and want to tap into the healing power of relational neuroscience.

    Trauma and the Embodied Brain

    We are in a world that often highlights self-sufficiency and individualism.  Dr. Bonnie Badenoch’s exploration of the myth of self-regulation serves as a poignant reminder that our brains flourish when connected.

    Our well-being is woven into our relationships. By embracing the tenets of relational neuroscience, you can move towards genuine healing and emotional resilience, reminding us of our inherent human need for connection.


  • Body and Mind Are One with Thich Nhat Hanh

    Body and Mind Are One with Thich Nhat HanhThe Body and Mind Are One program offers a free training. This training is with Thich Nhat Hanh is called How Presence Transforms Relationships.

    Have you ever felt the longing for deeper connections with your loved ones? It’s easy to lose ourselves in distractions. We miss out on the true essence of being present with those we cherish.

    However, the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh illuminate a path towards connection through the power of presence.


    During this free video teaching Thich Nhat Hanh shares his wisdom. He offers insights into the  impact of mindfulness, interdependence, and loving-kindness on our relationships.

    Body and Mind Are One with Thich Nhat Hanh

    Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that true connection requires more than just physical proximity. It demands the full engagement of our minds and hearts.

    By bringing our awareness home to our bodies, we enter the present moment. This presence is where our vitality and connection to ourselves and others reside.

    This video teaching is called “How Presence Transforms Relationships.”  During it Thich Nhat Hanh shares a story that illuminates the impact of offering our attention.

    Through the tale of an 11-year-old boy and his wealthy businessman father, he reveals the priceless nature of wholehearted presence. This presence is a gift that goes beyond possessions and creates bonds between individuals.


    Embracing the Wonder of Authentic Connection

    This video is an intro to an online training program called “Body and Mind Are One: An Online Training in Mindfulness.”

    This guides us to release distractions and synchronize our minds with the rhythmic pulse of our bodies.

    Through this practice, we awaken to clarity of our authentic presence which is a gift of value that we can offer to our loved ones.

    Body and Mind Are One with Thich Nhat Hanh

    As we yearn for more meaningful connections, it is crucial to embrace the power of wholehearted presence with our loved ones.

    Join Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in his video teaching and discover how the gift of complete presence can elevate and enrich our relationships.

    This event offers firsthand the  impact of offering your unwavering awareness. Through Thich Nhat Hanh’s  guidance, you’ll gain tools to deepen your connections and navigate relationships with mindfulness and loving-kindness.

    This teaching will also allow you to cultivate authentic relationships with the ones who hold a special place in your heart.


  • Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    Embracing the Unknown with Pema ChödrönEmbracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön offers a free teaching on living with uncertainty.

    There are always life’s uncertainties that can leave you feeling restless and distracted? You’re definitely not alone.

    In this unpredictable world, it’s easy to get caught in the in-between a state of uncertainty.  According to the teachings of  Pema Chödrön, this seemingly chaotic restlessness is nothing new. In fact, in the realms of Buddhist philosophy, every moment is inherently uncertain. It’s all about how we ride the waves and fully embrace the  groundlessness of existence.


    Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This teaching session with  Pema Chödrön will share wisdom on finding serenity and living life to the fullest amidst the thrilling ups and downs of existence.

    Pema’s teachings will open your eyes to the hidden magic that resides within those tiny gaps between moments. The moments we often overlook or take for granted. Even the so-called “normal” times are in constant flux, slipping away as soon as we try to hold onto them. 

    Pema knows that recognizing life’s inherent groundlessness is the key to unlocking unparalleled value and discovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.


    Unraveling the Mysteries: Dancing with Uncertainty and Fear

    This is your  ticket to a conversation between Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon. They will discuss the journey through the depths of uncertainty and fear.

    You will learn about the heart of impermanence which is a core concept in Buddhism. Plus, they will talk about  the secrets of how our attachments to material things intensify our suffering.

    Through their dialogue, you’ll gain insights into embracing change and finding your inner peace.

    Secure Your Spot for Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This is a  chance to expand your mind, confront your deepest fears, and cultivate  resilience in the face of uncertainty.  Amidst the whirlwind of chaos finding solace and meaning becomes crucial.

    Through Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon guidance, you’ll not only learn to embrace the impermanence but also rid yourself of attachment. Watch the session with Pema Chödrön,  and begin a journey of self-discovery. One that will give you insights into the lessons that can be extracted from contemplating the enigma of death. 


  • 40 Days to Positive Change with Kelly McGonigal

    40 Days to Positive Change with Kelly McGonigal40 Days to Positive Change with Kelly McGonigal offers a free video teaching. This video reveals the factors that make behavioral change possible.

    Have you ever experienced that  rush of satisfaction when you conquer a new positive habit, like nailing your regular morning run? It’s like tapping into your limitless potential!

    It takes more than just wishful thinking to make that habit stick. Dr. Kelly McGonigal, an expert in the connection between mind and body, has cracked the code to successful habit formation.


    40 Days to Positive Change with Kelly McGonigal

    Dr. Kelly McGonigal will share the art of initiating lasting habit change that will change your mind. In this  conversation with the Sounds True producer, Kriste Peoples, Dr. McGonigal shares the factors that contribute to successful habit formation.

    You will also discover how to choose habits that will  bring you lifelong benefits.

    Transformation in Establishing New Habits

    Dr. Kelly McGonigal as she shares strategies grounded in the latest neuroscientific and psychological research.

    You will learn the mechanics of habit change and unlock the foundations needed to permanently instill new behaviors in your life.

    She also guides you through the twists and turns of the change process. She’ll you to conquer challenges, seize  growth opportunities, and tap into the  power of your brain to foster positive change.


    Join Dr. Kelly McGonigal on the Path to Lasting Transformation

     Dr. Kelly McGonigal, is considered an authority in the field of habit change and  human transformation. Her teaching is called  “Establishing New Habits for Positive Change.”  It will give you the tools and insights to initiate a  life-transforming behavioral revolution.

    She will share the supporting factors and  foundations necessary to permanently instill new behaviors.

    With Dr. McGonigal as your guide, you’ll gain  knowledge and  tools to embark on a transformative journey of positive change.

    40 Days to Positive Change with Kelly McGonigal creates Lasting Habit Change

    When you learn the neuroscientific and psychological information it will reshape your understanding of habit change. You will explore the  supporting factors and  foundations necessary to permanently instill better, healthier, new behaviors.

    With Dr. McGonigal as your guide, you’ll gain  knowledge and tools to embark on a  journey of positive change. Remember that you possess the power to transform your life for the better.

    Join the phenomenal Dr. Kelly McGonigal for this free video teaching, “Establishing New Habits for Positive Change,”.