Author: Desire and Belief

  • How To Heal Past Wounds

    how to heal past woundsWhen it comes to how to heal past wounds there are numerous ways to do so.  However deep emotional childhood wounds are powerful. Many people struggle with how to overcome them.  On top of that many patterns that are in are life today are created by these past issues.  So how do you go about healing emotional childhood wounds?

    If you have followed this site for some time you already know there are different events we cover. Many of these events and resources are geared towards this subject.  While there are many healing modalities some work better for some than others do. By taking advantage of the complimentary tools available you can embrace many different types of healing and find the perfect fit for you.

    By clearing the past you open up your life for success and overall balance. You clear away the issues and the current core patterns of acting and thinking shift.  You can use EFT, Hypnotherapy, or any other modality that fits you best.  We suggest you learn about a few and go from there.  We use many modalities depending on what issue we are working with.

    How To Heal Past Wounds

    There is an event coming up that is complimentary and will teach one way to pack away those hurts.  This event is offered by the Shift Network and is hosted by Tim Kelley and Jeffrey Van Dyk.   Tim Kelley Higher Purpose expert you may recall from past articles.  Jeffrey Van Dyk is an international speaker, strategist and guide. These wonderful teachers have joined together to share with you a way to heal your childhood wounds as well as any other wounds you may have.

    The title of this event is Getting Your Wounds Out of Your Way: How to Heal Your Deepest Patterns & Liberate Your Purpose.  By attending you will learn that there is a Gift that Your Deepest Wounds holds.  You will learn how to identify not only the wounds but also what gifts they provide you.  Our lives are a journey and things happen to us for a reason.  It is not bad luck, it is not unfair it is your life’s path. That being said if you found yourself reading this then part of your path it to heal.

    The process you will learn during this hour long webinar will move you beyond your earliest and deepest wounds.  You will finally discover the relation between these past wounds and your true purpose. As well as break free of your deepest, most persistent mental and emotional patterns that are holding you back.

    Now you may already be aware of the patterns and wounds but just because you consciously know what they are does not mean they are easy to heal.  By attending the Getting Your Wounds out of Your Way event or taking advantage of any of the resources we share will move you away from the search on how to heal past wounds and into liberation.

  • Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    unlimited abundance live webinarThe Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance Live webinar event is back.  Presented by Mindvalley Academy this is one of the highest attended events and for good reason. Christie’s methods work.  No matter what type of abundance you wish you increase you can gain valuable knowledge by attending this free event.

    Christie Marie Sheldon private sessions are quite expensive. When a complimentary training comes along it is best to take advantage of it.  You may have read are post what are the 24 Abundance blocks.  If you have not, not to worry you will learn what they are during this webcast. Christie is an intuitive coach and energy healer.  So far identified 24 unique blocks after working with more than 20,000 people one-on-one. During this event she will help you discover what yours are and help you to eliminate them.

    Unlimited Abundance Live Webinar

    This event is not only educational but also a free energy clearing event. Earlier this year, a similar clearing webcast was attended by thousands of participants.  The results that some of them experienced in the following days were amazing.

    This new Unlimited Abundance Live webinar is only 60 minutes long. It is designed to help you tackle one of the biggest problems you may be facing: How to Earn a Bigger Income Doing What You Love. By attending you will:

    • Learn how these blocks prevent you every day from manifesting the wealth you deserve
    • Participate in a group clearing called “getting paid for being you.”
    • Access your personal energetic field
    • Discover your hidden talents
    • Clear the Abundance Block that stops you from earning a great income
    • Listen to Vishen Lakhiani Mindvalley Academy founder ask Christie a series of questions on Abundance Blocks
    • Hear real-life stories from past participants of this session
    • Plus much more

    What Are Abundance Blocks?

    Skeptical?  Many would be, that is why this event is complimentary. You can gauge the results for yourself.  Christie Marie Sheldon knows her methods work.  After identifying these blocks she has found that having any one of them can through you off course. But what are abundance Blocks? In short, they are subconscious barriers that stop you from achieve your dream life.

    The Christie Marie Sheldon Energy clearing for abundance blocks is reason enough to attend. However, with everything that is out there today we know you need more. It is your time you are dedicating. So if the above is not enough here is why we personally recommend attending:

    • We have been in the personal growth for decades.  After attending this event we were shocked when we saw how much our abundance blocks were costing us.
    • When we attended the last Unlimited Abundance Live webinar we discovered huge epiphanies, feeling of total bliss, and incredible new ideas.

    When it comes to creating income or having great abundance you must do several things.   Financial strategies and taking action are all important. But without being vibrationally aligned to your financial goals, you will face hurdles for every step you take. Once you remove your abundance blocks, your vibration will automatically align with your goals. To discover what your blocks to abundance are or to attend the free Christie Marie Sheldon seminar training you can go to the Mindvalley Academy website.

  • Do Essential Oils Actually Work

    do essential oils actually workMany ask me do essential oils actually work?  I answer a quick yes, they work and they work well. However, people need to know how to use them. There is a wrong way and a right way. A safe way and unsafe way.  Just like anything too much or too little can lead to ineffective results or dangers.

    If you get a pill from a doctor because it will cure what ails you take it.  You do not take over the dosage and you follow the directions.  That pill may make you will or you may be allergic to it.  The same goes for essential oils.  You need to know the correct way to use each individual oil to get the best results and to be safe.  When you do learn how to use essential oils safely you can then reap the benefits.

    Do Essential Oils actually work?

    When I answer this question I am not coming from a place of expertise. I am not an aromatherapist but have been using oils for decades.  I have taken courses and read books and of course have a manual.  I attend ever event I can to learn how to use them more safely and effectively. That being said here is what I have used essential oils for:

    • Chronic Pain
    • Lyme Disease and the issues that come with it
    • Sleep – this is a big one, I sleep so much better when I use aromatherapy
    • Swelling
    • Cleaning
    • Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety , and releasing trauma

    The above are just a few ways I use oils.  There are many, many benefits to using them.  As mentioned the proper training is imperative.  There 2 wonderful free events coming up that you can attend to learn how to use essential oils:

    The Essential Oils Revolution 2 – This is the 2nd year of this event and it is very highly attended. More than 165,000 people attended the 2015 Essential Oils Revolution. This year, experts in aromatherapy, medicine and research will deliver in-depth discussion, debunk common myths and help you learn about the possibility of regaining your health using essential oils.

    David Crow Essential Oils for Healing– As you know David and the Shift Network are one of our favorites. David Crow is one of the most respected expert’s botanical medicine and a great teacher to listen to. During this free event you will learn how to take your use of essential oils to the next level.  Not to worry if you are new to the area David will cover it all.

    I will be attending both events.  When you use essential oils it is always a good idea to hear from the best.  During both of this events you will learn:

    • How Essential oils work scientifically
    • How to use them safely
    • What oils are good for what
    • How aromatherapy can help with emotions
    • Plus so much more

    So besides by opinion do essential oils actually work?  You can attend the events above to find out and please share with us your experience.



  • Soulvana Review

    soulvana reviewBeen looking for a Soulvana review? If so you are in luck, Mindvalley Academy has created a sneak peak. This will  enhance the connection with your soul.  By watching this series of you can get a full understanding of what Soulvana is all about.

    The Soulvana Circle only stays open for a limited time so if you have been curious now is the time to learn. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is to ignore the voice of your soul.  But so many times we wonder is it our soul speaking to us or it is are imagination. There comes a time in many peoples live where they feel like there is more to your life than just earning a living. Perhaps other times you feel like you deserve a better life or you may feel you have a message to share with the world. When you have these moments this is your soul speaking to you.

    Soulvana Review Series

    The Path to Awakening Soulvana Review series reveals a new paradigm for educating your soul.   Mindvalley Academy’s goal is to educate and enlighten you on the importance of tapping into their soul.  You will discover many things such as How to reveal the power of your soul and more.

    This series give you gives you different videos that will help you many areas. Perhaps a goal in life, a purpose or new potential in your life. The entire Soulvana Channel brings together the world’s most enlightened spiritual teachers to elevate spirituality. It has a new course released each month that will give you key insights and enable you to grow spiritually in different dimensions of life.

    The Awakening video is absolutely wonderful. It will enlighten you to many things including the adventure and importance of awakening. In face once you sign up to learn about the Mindvalley Academy Soulvana Circle you will get more information. This valuable and powerful knowledge comes in the form of emails, videos, and more.  If you feel yourself being pulled but are unsure if it is your soul. Or if you know it is your soul but are unsure how to proceed then learning about this program is for you. By gaining access to the videos and other resources you will not only get an understanding of your souls calling but also a full Soulvana Review.

    You can start today and cultivate a better relationship with your soul. It is about a new movement in spirituality and by watching this video they will better explain what the new paradigm is. I believe this is a very timely video as more and more people today are realizing their true identity as a soul living in a human body. And the realization opens up a flood of opportunities that didn’t exist before.  By watching this Soulvana review video you can begin to learn how this circle is a vehicle of spiritual growth for months and years to come.


  • Margaret Paul Loving Yourself

    margaret paul loving yourselfThe Margaret Paul Loving Yourself workshop is a chance for you to discover how to create long lasting self-love. It is so difficult for many to love themselves people search for love everywhere and end up dependent of circumstances.

    To give unconditional love is one of the great blessings of life but one must love themselves first. When it comes to how to love yourself unconditionally our attempts to find a source of love that isn’t dependent on outer circumstances often prove fruitless.

    Love is something everyone needs both individually and collectively.  If you have seen the news you can see the lack of love emanating from many people.  If everyone just took a little time to work on loving themselves there may not be so much upset.

    THIS EVENT HAS ENDED – You can check out the Shift Network Website HERE or the Margaret Paul Best-Selling Book HERE

    While lack of love hurts other around you, it stems from your own self pain.  That pain can be so intense that there may come a point that you give up. That you do not believe you deserve love or are unworthy of it.  That is not the case and no matter how bad you may be feeling right now don’t give in.

    Margaret Paul Loving Yourself

    During this hour long event you will learn how to Approach new relationships from a stance of fullness rather than neediness.  Her Inner Bonding Technique shows you how to use self-love, instead of food or other inadequate substitutes, to fill emptiness. This also will move out of stagnation into a life of aliveness, passion and purpose.  Also if you suffer from anxiety or depression or no someone who does this event will give you an entirely new understanding of the cause.

    Margaret Paul Inner Bonding creator has a proven method on how you can love yourself. During this event entitled 6 Secrets to Fully Loving Yourself: How to Find Your True Self-worth, Heal Spiritually and Live in Joy she will be sharing a bit about this method. If you are unfamiliar with her she is a world-renowned psychologist and author and co-author of several bestselling books.  Some of her books include  Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?

    The Margaret Paul loving yourself method explained during this webcast will show you that unconditional self-love your divine birthright. Even if that is the case the truth is that it is often quite hard to feel this kind of love on a consistent basis.  The struggle of not loving yourself can uproot your entire life.  Love is one of the keys to overcoming addictions, dysfunctional relationships, and so much more.  By attending the 6 Secrets to Fully Loving Yourself Margaret will help you to understand how to share love rather than seek love.

    THIS EVENT HAS ENDED – You can check out the Shift Network Website HERE or the Margaret Paul Best-Selling Book HERE

  • Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future is with Dr. Stanislav Grof. During it you will learn New Approaches for Self-exploration and Healing.


    Embarking on a Journey of Perplexity: Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Do you find yourself grappling with a deep-seated frustration when it comes to the field of psychology?

    Perhaps you’ve longed for it to embrace the study of spirituality or consciousness?

    Have you ever had the experience of personally encountering the transformative power of altered states and shamanic consciousness?

    If you answered with an emphatic “yes” to any of these questions, then allow me to introduce you to the esteemed Dr. Stanislav Grof. With decades of legal scientific research dedicated to exploring potential Dr. Grof is set to captivate your imagination in this upcoming online event entitled.

    Brace yourself for a remarkable journey that promises to unravel insights at the intersection of psychology and spirituality.

    Unleashing a Maelstrom of Perspectives

    You’ll plunge headlong into a whirlpool of intrigue as you immerse yourself in this hour-long event. Dr. Stanislav Grof will be your guiding light. He will lead you on an odyssey that challenges the very foundations of conventional views in psychology.

    Together, you will chart new territories of shamanic consciousness, personal growth, and profound healing, forever altering your perceptions along the way.

    Diving into the Depths of Non-Ordinary States

    Central to this event is an intrepid exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Dr. Grof adamantly emphasizes the immense power that lies within the depths of these states. These provide a gateway to an entirely novel comprehension of shamanic consciousness.

    By venturing beyond the confines of  reality, one can unveil insights that penetrate the core of the human psyche, leaving an imprint on one’s understanding of the self.

    Unveiling the Enigmatic “Inner Healer” while Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    His  teachings harbor another enigmatic gem—the concept of the “inner healer.”

    This event is like an expedition into the recesses of your own being.  You’ll discover how this innate aspect can assume the role of an invaluable compass.

    You can finally allow your inner healer to guide you through the  paths of personal growth. This inner self offers direction when navigating the treacherous terrain of life’s challenges.


    Expanding the Frontiers of Psyche and Cosmos

    Dr. Grof’s groundbreaking work will push  you into an expansive realm that defies traditional confines. He will share the nature and role of transpersonal experiences, reshaping your understanding of the human mind. You will begin to understand the mind and its intricate connection to the vast tapestry of the universe.

    By delving into the realms of art, shamanism, and myth, you’ww hear the interplay between individual consciousness and the profound depths of the collective unconscious.

    Unearthing the Potency of Birth Experience

    In this riveting event, Dr. Grof shines a piercing light upon the often-neglected significance of our birth experience in shaping our growth and development.

    He illuminates the transformative potential that lies within the act of clearing birth trauma—an incredibly potent tool that can breathe new life into our healing journey.

    By addressing the imprints of our earliest moments, we lay a solid foundation for the magnificent odyssey of self-discovery and well-being that awaits us.

    A Pathway to Profound Healing and Unbounded Growth

    The fusion of psychology and spirituality within his work beckons us to venture through unexplored gateways. These lead to profound healing and unparalleled growth for yourself and those you touch.

    Through the  non-ordinary states of consciousness, we gain an extraordinary appreciation of our boundless potential.

    Dr. Grof’s teachings offer an expanded arsenal of transformative tools, allowing us to excavate and liberate deep-rooted traumas from both the recesses of our psyche and the very fabric of our physical being.

    Unlocking the Cosmic Tapestry

    Within the immersive event of “Discovering the Psychology of the Future,” Dr. Grof invites us to transcend the shackles of our everyday reality and embark on a cosmic odyssey. As we delve into altered states of consciousness, we shatter the limitations that confine us, unveiling hitherto unexplored dimensions. These ethereal encounters may even grant us glimpses into the enigmatic tapestry of past lives, forever transforming our perception of the vast expanse of existence.

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    The online event featuring Dr. Stanislav Grof presents an extraordinary opportunity to traverse the uncharted territory.

    By attending you  venture into the depths of  insights, forever altering their understanding of the human psyche and its ethereal connection to spirituality.

    This voyage holds the key to unlocking your true potential, envisioning a life with profound purpose. Plus, it will and equip you with the transformative tools essential for your healing journey.