Winter Solstice Celebrations Around The World

winter solstice celebrations around the worldThere are many winter solstice celebrations around the world and of course you cannot make them all, but there is one coming up and is online and complimentary. This is a Shift Network Live webcast and is entitled the Winter Solstice Wisdom Roundtable. This time of year is a very powerful time, a time for gratitude, counting your blessings, and taking what the lessons from this year to create a powerful New Year 2016.

This wisdom roundtable is hosted by Devaa Haley Mitchell; she has gathered some of the top spiritual leaders to share their wisdom. This speakers include Stephen Dinan, Jean Shinoda Bolen ,Claire Zammit ,Anodea Judith ,Ariel Spilsbury ,Luisah Teish ,Miranda MacPherson – Mirabai Starr ,Elayne Doughty, and Elizabeth Purvis. Each of these individuals will be speaking on a different topic to give you new knowledge as well as practices for the Solstice. Taking this time of year to refresh and renew yourself also does wonders for the world, by gathering together to learn and give blessings to others you set your intentions for the coming year and align with a global community.

Winter Solstice Celebrations Around The World

If you are new to these types of celebrations this free, online event is a great place to learn about them, ignite your personal power, and refresh yourself to become a better peacemaker for the world around you. During this webinar you will not only gain wisdom but will get to experience a Winter Solstice Ritual where you can share prayers and blessings. Some of the information you will learn by attending is:

  • How to use the Solstice as an opportunity to reflect and integrate all that has transpired
  • Learn to turn this year’s Experiences into Wisdom so you can release the Past, and take pain and struggles and turn them into gems so that you can create a new fresh Space for the New Year
  • How to stay connected to your personal power during this time that is so busy and
  • Learn how the Winter Solstice is a time of Transmission from the Sacred Feminine
  • Learn how celebrating the Solstice also has a global perspective on becoming a peacemaker
  • Plus Much More

The Winter Solstice Wisdom Circle is going to be highly attended as most events of this type are so you may want to reserve your free seat for the online event straight away. The wisdom you will gain from this webcast is going to be so uplifting and enlightening and during the busy holiday season it is what many people need. If you have noticed that “all of the sudden” it is another years end and have thought about all you have not accomplished or “where did the year go” then this is one Shift Network webinar you are not going to want to miss.   Since this event is online it is truly going to be one of the most powerful Winter Solstice Celebrations around the World because you will be gathering with people from around the globe for blessings, prayer, wisdom and a special ritual.