When You Feel Nothing

There are times in our lives that we can become indifferent, almost numb. This numbness is not a good thing, and according to many sources is worse then negative emotion. From psychology to the law of attraction negative emotion seems to be a much preferred affect then indifference.

Indifference, the absence of emotion, is easy to fall into. You’ve had too much, you feel like there is not a bright light at the end of the tunnel, there is no hope. I can relate to such feelings and know that it is very difficult to get yourself out of such a rut.

Nothing seems to interest you, you have lost all enjoyment in things you like to do. You don’t want to sit, stand, sleep, not sleep, eat, not eat, nothing means anything. As you can tell from the description I have been through it and know that it takes much work to get out of it.

After saying the word “work” there is a catch. At times enjoying the indifference for a brief period of time can be beneficial. However, one must not stay in that non-feeling mode for to long. Then the work begins.

It is hard to say what works for each individual person to break the cycle of indifference. The one common factor that must be done, is finding variety. Finding variety can some from very little things such as a change in a meal to a game that you have not played in years. Spice it up with something new.

During periods of indifference this can be a very difficult task, so changing what you’re doing often can greatly help. Watch T.V. for 20 minutes, then go for a walk, then read a book, then go shopping. Doing these multiple tasks in a small amount of time will help to shake the looming indifference that is interfering with your life.

I try not to be a big advocate of naps, although I love to take them. However, many people suffering from indifference can have a whole new outlook after a power nap. Power nap meaning no more then 45 minutes, I know the wonder of the power nap has made a great difference in my life.

Bottom-line, if you are suffering from indifference, enjoy briefly, start many tasks in short intervals, and never underestimate the power of refreshing yourself with a power nap.