Vision Board Workshop

vision board workshop vision boards that workThere is a Vision Board Workshop coming up entitled Vision Board That Works this event is presented by The Abundance Project with host Adhis Boucha. During this free webinar you will learn how to create a vision board that really works and that will allow you to manifest your dreams within weeks to months instead of years.

What Is A Vision Board

If you read the book “The Secret”, watched the film, or know anything about the law of attraction you have probably heard of a vision board. For anyone not familiar with it, it is a board or picture you create with the images of all the things you want to manifest in your life. If you desire to attract the love of your life you would put pictures of happy couples and love quotes, if you want more money you would put pictures of cash and sayings like “I am financially wealthy”, and so on. The problem with these boards is that so many people have created them and have seen little to no results.

Learn More Here

During the Vision Board Workshop Adhis Boucha shares with you why some people have so little success and how to make one that will work effectively and quickly. She will enlighten you to the twelve common vision board mistakes that stop people’s dreams from manifesting and reaffirm that they are not cut out for success and that vision boards do work. Manifesting with this method in fact does work and works well when you learn the correct steps to creating and attracting. If you have made a vision board before and feel like you either were not meant to have what you desired or began to believe that the board idea just did not work then this is a must attend.

Adhis Boucha will explain that when you choose goals and dreams you can realistically manifest it will begin happen quickly making room for the more “unrealistic” for lack of a better work to come into your life as well. You will discover that if you can eliminate your inner critic’s doubts (she shows you how with a powerful daily manifestation) you can attract the right people in the right time as well as other wonderful things, and opportunities into your life. One large reason people say Vision board did not work for me is because that they cannot seem to Experience each vision as if it were already happening, Adhis will show you how.

Another issue that people run into is how many pictures do you put on a vision board, Adhis with share with you the right amount to be effective so you do not overwhelm your mind a halt your dreams from coming true. By mastering the power of the law of attraction by creating vision boards you can Dissolve tension in relationships, remove success blocks and limiting beliefs, remove self-doubt, improve confidence, and have what you truly desire flow into your life.

After attending the Vision Board WorkShop you will walk away with:

Supercharged beliefs and confidence

Radical shifts in relationships

More abundance, health, love, respect

And you will finally learn how to make a vision board that really works

Go to The Abundance Project Site to learn more or to register

