Uncompromised Life Review

uncompromised life review

I am a Hypnotist so when the Marisa Peer training came along I was intrigued. I wrote and overview of the free masterclass entitled Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy.  If you would like to skip the review you can go HERE.

After completing the 8th module I felt compelled to share my results. In this review I will cover what is included with the course, how you can learn about it first, and my results.

Who is Marisa Peer?

Marisa is considered Britain’s #1 best therapist. She has spent years working with celebrities  in the fields of acting, athletics, CEOs and political leaders. She has written four bestselling books about Transformational Hypnotherapy in varying fields such as losing weight, gaining confidence and staying young.

Uncompromised Life Review

This is An 8-Week Journey To Impart In You The 8 Transformations Of The World’s Top Super-Achievers. The program includes 8 modules, I am not sure if these modules change or not.

The different modules are  on different topics.  They have a printable workbook. A training session with Marisa Peer which you can listen to via audio or video. Plus an additional hypnosis mp3 to listen to.

Plus it includes bonus hypnotherapy session downloads.


Marisa Peer I Am Enough

One of my favorites is the I Am Enough module.  Many of us do not feel as if we are enough.  During this session Marisa addresses this issue and provides a powerful hypnosis audio.

According to Marisa knowing that you are enough is the most important.  You can strive for whatever you like but until you know you are enough nothing else will feel like achievements.

Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy

Yes it does but If you have read any of our past articles you already know that changing your beliefs comes to each individual in different ways.

For some it is instant, some it adds up overtime and for some the behavior or you have completely changed and don’t even realize it.  It a different amount of time to see change from person to person.

I did the training modules for 10 days instead of 7  to create long lasting change. You will be different and will notice that some of the modules click with you while other you will want to spend more time on.

Final Results

  • Much calmer and feel much more confident
  • In tune with my body and what my body needs
  • I am more motivated
  • My productivity has gone up
  • Happiness and Joy has increased

Just a short list of the changes I have noticed.

Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy Masterclass

You can learn more about this program either by attending the attending the training where Marisa delves into how the successful are the way they are and how you can be as well.

There is a new training she is offering which is 5 Days to Unstoppable Self Confidence which is an online home study mini course. Each day of this course you will receive powerful information about the secret to great self-esteem.

You will learn how to become and stay unstoppable with your self-confidence, learn an instant self-esteem boost. You will get a video you can use at  to gain self-esteem for a a boost.

I hope this Uncompromised Life review has helped and you can gain more knowledge on the product by attending the free Mindvalley Masterclass HERE.


One response to “Uncompromised Life Review”

  1. Marjorie Abraham Avatar
    Marjorie Abraham

    I am interested in this masterclass