The Power of Now Review

I must be on a review kick, but Echkart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” was such a great personal development read that I could not go without putting out a review.

“The Power of Now a Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle really drives home the fact that life can be a misery when you are focused too much on the past and/or the future. Tolle discusses how this type of focus takes away from the only moment that truly “is” and that moment is now.

There are ten main chapters in Tolle’s book and they are as follows:

You Are Not Your Mind
Consciousness: The Way Out Of Pain
Moving Deeply Into The Now
Mind Strategies For Avoiding The Now
The State Of Presence
The Inner Body
Portals Into The Unmanifested
Enlightened Relationships
Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
The Meaning Of Surrender

Each chapter offers profound insight into coming into the now, how we avoid it, and how to stay there. The basic premise of the book is that now is the only real time there is. All anxiety, worry, etc. comes from thoughts that are past and present.

In the book, it talks about how the human mind spends much of its time in the past or present and most often neglects the future. Tolle offers great knowledge in how to deal with the issue of not being in the now and, if practiced, I believe being in the now may relieve much stress for many.

This book can be read through in one sitting but is definitely one that you will want to refer to again and again. Perhaps even read two to three more times. I would highly recommend “The Power of Now” to anyone looking to improve, expand, or enhance their life.