Tag: winning the game of fear review

  • Winning The Game Of Fear – Week 1

    Winning The Game Of FearWe have already writing a Winning the Game of Fear Review which you can read however I am going through the program currently and wanted to keep you updated week by week. This is my first week and actually it is 10 days not 7 which I will explain more about that below but so far a quite enjoyable and relaxing experience. As many people I still have some unresolved fears so I thought the New Year would be a great time to start this and wanted to give you all an overview as well as my progress as the months go on.

    What does Winning the Game of fear consist of?

    While I cannot go into too much detail as I am only in the first round I will give you the best overview from what I know so far.

    The first session has a video and brain retraining for fear session, after you watch the video you move onto the session. You may watch the video again if you like and but you listen to the session for 10 days and that is just the first round. After the ten days you click a radio button and it unlocks the next section, currently I am on day 4 so I have 6 more days to go.

    Now I have gone through John Assaraf Brain training before and I must say I do love what I am experiencing. The first audio is a mix of him talking to you with music and special brain music designed to rewire your neural patterns. I have listened to frequency music before, some I like and some I have very bothered by and the music and tones with this session I am completely fine with.

    How does Brain Retraining Work and How does it Feel?

    As I am not an expert in this field (yet) John does explain it during his complimentary webinar but I can tell you how it feels. You put on headphones and get comfortable but unlike other methods of rewiring the mind and thoughts you pay attention to what is being said. As John Assaraf speaks you there are background tones that at first I was worried about but it is really quite relaxing.

    After the session is finished I felt refreshed and more confident in fact I actually would not recommend listening to it a night because I was pretty awake. I understand why you need to listen to the session for ten days, not only because it takes time to rewire old thinking habits, but because you may not be listening because you are so relaxed. The second time I went through the session I remembered bits and pieces of what John had said and by the 4th time I had a remembered much more.

    Now I already have recommended this product and the free Winning the game of Fear webcast he gives which shares with you how brain training works and this is because I know Johns work. However I do realize that many people like to hear someone’s actual experience, it just makes them more comfortable so I am covering my experience, if you have questions about the first round please do leave a comment below and I will do my best to answer them.

  • Winning The Game Of Fear Review

    winning the game of fear review

    In this short Winning The Game Of Fear Review, we will cover just a bit about this John Assaraf Brain Retraining system, a long overview is not need because you can attend a free webinar that gives you an idea of what and how Assaraf teaches, and make the decision if it is right for you. If you want to go straight to the event and skip the review you can do so HERE

    Fear is probably one of the number one things that hold people from the success of the life that they desire. Fear of failure. Fear of success, Fear of speaking, Fear of being alone or any other one that has control over you can literally drive you to a screeching halt. Even if feel that you are confident and successful which you may very well be, most everyone has something deep inside that scares them. It is completely normal and has been a part of the human dynamic from the prehistoric days when a fear kept people alive.

    If you have ever read a John Assaraf Winning the Game of Fear review you might find that there are mixed opinions, and for good reason, fear. The fear to change is so very strong, and sometimes no matter how strong the desire is to stop being afraid of life, it may still hold you back. For example you may be reading this and may be thinking “yes I should attend the Winning the Game of fear free event” and then you find something else to do, or it you forget to schedule it in, etc. Whether you know it or not that is on a subconscious level a fear or lack of desire to be fully free.

    The same can be said if you have this John Assaraf brain training program, if you get it and don’t use it religiously (which is often done), then no change will occur, which leads to negative reviews. You did become afraid of things overnight there you will not be free from fear overnight, but you can be very quickly with proper brain training. Winning the Game of Fear will show you that all Fear lives in the same area in your brain and sets off triggers and alarms inside you the same ways.   With the new neuroscience studies which most of Assarafs training are based on, you will discover that successful brain retraining can break feelings of fear, doubt, self-esteem and the habits and patterns you have created over the years.

    During this John Assaraf webinar you will learn life-changing, solutions and process that will show you how you can how to stop being afraid of life quickly. You will discover that this training is not about how to deal With Fear; it is about getting it Out Of Your Life For Good.   This broadcast is also different than many you may have looked at or attended in the past it is all scientific evidence-based content instead of just Motivational happy thoughts and philosophy which do not help you with The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that plague you and stop you from trying something outside of your comfort zone!

    Although this is a short John Assaraf Winning the game of Fear review it is enough to let you know how the time will be spent during the event. By attending this NeuroGym event you will attain all the knowledge you need to stop fear and anxiety for good.