Tag: what is Christ consciousness

  • What Is Christ Consciousness

    what is Christ ConsciousnessWhat is Christ Consciousness is a question that comes up quite often, when people hear of it that automatically think of Christianity.  While it is obvious that Christ a Christian figure Christ Consciousness is for everyone.  It was a bit confusing for us at first and quite honestly still is a bit, but it is becoming clearer.

    What is Christ Consciousness?

    The term means different things to different people however the term has become more popular in recent years and to many it means a level of intellect and spiritual and emotional maturity.  To others it means that you can transform human consciousness by using the spiritual blueprint that was part of Christ’s life. Christ being both divine and human his life serves has a map or grid how this type of consciousness is within you.

    Sound confusing?  It’s not however we are not experts and when someone who is well versed in this area explains it, it become much clearer.   Which leads us to Andrew Harvey Mystic, Author, Speaker, and the founder of Sacred Activism Institute.  The Shift Network many event with Harvey, in fact, he is one of the favorite teaches they have. There is an online, free event coming up that will share with you more about this subject in an easy to absorb way.

    How to Achieve Christ Consciousness?

    By attending the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness webinar you will not only gain a better understanding of what it is but also how you can achieve it. This event is designed for Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and spiritual seekers.   And you will learn that Christ consciousness means:

    • Recognition that you can attain it
    • Opening your heart
    • Awakening to divinity
    • Taking a path of sacred action
    • Living it in each moment

    You will also learn How to understand the Christ Consciousness grid map and how transformation to this type of consciousness is available to all. Andrew Harvey Christ Path shares with you how his life has hidden keys to healing and creating a more divine life as well as secrets of transfiguration.  You will also be able to learn about the Christ Path Advanced Intensive that takes you even further into understanding and achieving this consciousness.  If this still sounds a bit confusing not to worry the event coming up is free of charge and Andrew Harvey has a way of taking his complex understanding and relaying it in a clear concise way.

    If you’ve ever been drawn or inspired by the teachings of Christ and strive to live as he did and feel that Christianity or any religion it to rigid then the Andrew Harvey Christ Consciousness event is for you. You will not only discover the answer to what is Christ consciousness but also learn how you can personally achieve it.  Like all Shift Network course events if you have trouble or an issue with the time that this event is scheduled for as long as you register for free you will receive the recording after the event has completed.