Tag: vision board party

  • National Vision Board Day

    National Vision Board DayJanuary 9 2016 is National Vision Board Day the date changes every year as it is observed on the second Saturday of January. This day is meant for having a vision board party and it began in 2010, if this is late notice for you to gather your friends for a party not to worry, you can still celebrate this day and plan a get together another day this year as well as next years designated day.

    What is A Vision Board?

    A vision board is a board where you put pictures, words, quotes and so on of things you desire to happen in your life. Some people refer to these as Law of Attraction boards because what you place on them are all the events, people, circumstances and so on that you want to attract into your life. Now whether you subscribe to the Law of Attraction or not you can still create a board because by seeing all the positive things you want in life on a daily basis can only bring about good things.

    How to Celebrate National Vision Board Day

    It is still not too late to plan an evening party with friends to create boards together however if you’re not up to last minute plans here are some ways on how to celebrate this day on your own:

    1. Go out an gather your Vision Board supplies that are needed:
    • Poster board or better yet a very pretty bulletin board just make sure it is durable
    • Next create a list of all the things you want on your board meaning anything you want in your life such as happiness, better health, a vacation, new car, and so on.
    • Magazines, newspapers, images and so on that you can place on your board
    1. How to Structure your vision board:

    While there is really no wrong way to create a board this is the way that seems to most effective:

    In the center of the board is a circle that holds either a photo of the person creating the board or whatever is most important to you? Put the different words and images into groups with the same theme. For example, put things related to job or career in one area of the board. First place the images and then place all the quotes, words and phrases, some people use one word while others use full sentences, don’t overthink it just do whatever feels right to you.

    If you have put off creating that board National Vision Board Day is a great time to start. By creating a board and you begin to see it day after day you begin to you visualize. From there your subconscious mind has concrete picture to your desires and that enables you to subconsciously go that direction and create the life that you desire. As time goes on, you are going to want to change your vision board because you will have attracted what you want from certain areas of the board or you may have attracted something that you wanted only to learn that you do not really want it so those items should be removed.

    Whether you have a vision board party or do it on your own start today so in you can begin to see your desire manifest!


    Mind Movies Vision Board