Tag: video

  • Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes

    change your thoughts change your life quotes wayne dyerWe have gathered together some of the best Change your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes for you today. If you have not read this Wayne Dyer Book we highly recommend it.  There is also there is a video you can watch if you like however the book is still a one of many life changing books we love.  We hope these quotes inspire you to have a wonderful Monday and a fulfilling week.

    Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes

    “Living by being instead of trying”

    “Quit accumulating points for being right!”

    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

    “a good man is but a bad man’s teacher, and a bad man is but a good man’s job.”

    “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Tao is both named and nameless. As nameless it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding.”

    “Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never really change.”

    “Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer…judge less and listen more. Take time to open your mind to the fascinating mystery and uncertainty that we all experience.”

    “When expectations are shattered, practice allowing that to be the way it is. Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer…judge less and listen more. Take time to open your mind to the”

    “A composer once told me that the silence from which each note emerges is more important than the note itself.”

    “Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer . . . judge less and listen more.”

    “Love vanquishes all attackers, it is impregnable in defense. When heaven wants to protect someone, does it send an army? No, it protects him with love.”

    “The things we love we have to learn to leave alone.”

    “We must bask in the magnificence of what is seen and sensed, instead of always memorizing and categorizing.”

    “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — George Bernard Shaw”

    “Seek the pleasure in what you’re doing, rather than in how it might ultimately benefit you.”

    “Do the Tao Now Copy the following words and apply them to yourself: I came from greatness. I must be like what I came from. I will never abandon my belief in my greatness and the greatness of others. Read these words daily, perhaps by posting them conspicuously where you can see them. They will serve to remind you of the truth of your own greatness. Meditate for ten minutes today, focusing on your inner greatness.”

    “Remember that every use of force, even the smallest, creates a counterforce.”

    “Focus on understanding yourself instead of blaming others.”

    “Remind yourself daily that there is no way to happiness; rather, happiness is the way.”

    You can watch the inspirational Wayne Dyer video  and please share with us your favorite Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life Quotes by leaving a comment below.



  • Elevate Your Life Course

    Jennifer Mclean Elevate Your life courseThe Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life course was offered as part of her Spontaneous Transformation healing week and I decided to go for it.  It is only the first week of the course and I must say if I had to review it right now I would give it an A+++++.   If you did miss the healing workshops here is some great news she is offering the content again at no charge!  If you are in need of healing whether spiritual, emotional, or physical or desire to have more balance in your life I highly recommend watching these workshop shows and video workshops.

    If you miss my past post or our past newsletter notification system we did share the information about the free week of healing. If you would like to be notified of all the free events we share on this site as well as those we do not and our exclusive then take a look at our newsletter. Moving on, what is the Spontaneous Transformation Technique? In short it consists of 7 steps and provides a quickening, which, in minutes that can actually make a dramatic impact on things that seemed insurmountable moments before.   By doing the technique you can connect with the universe and bring forth your truest dreams. Now we write about many healers and companies that we love and Jennifer McLean is one of them she is considered a top healer in America and has helped many, what I like about her is that she is not only effective but down to earth and fun to listen to.  When you attend her week of healing you will not just hear a bund of woo woo stuff but a fun, practical way to listen to yourself to heal.

    Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life Course

    As mentioned I did sign up for this course after attending the week of healing which consisted of the Spontaneous Transformation movie, 3 coaching videos and 2 workshop shows.  After that week I felt so different and one of the biggest things I noticed was my creativity, now you may be thinking what does that have to do with healing?  Well, I am not very creative or at least that part of me was not ignited, however I also noticed many other things:

    • I am sleeping better
    • I am handling issues much more effectively and calming
    • I am actually looking for the positive purpose of things that are happening to me instead of going straight to the negative
    • I am more focused

    Now all of that was just after the free Jennifer McLean Healing week and after this last week of the Elevate your Life Course it has strengthened.   I also signed up the Spontaneous Transformation certification which begins in June which I am pretty excited about, so I will keep you posted on that as well.  Do you have to sign up for the Jennifer McLean Elevate Your Life Course, no, however it is so dang reasonably priced I could not say not after attending the free week.  If you would like to no more you can register for  this powerful, personalized healing encore and claim here new book  for free,  she bought early from her publishers  free book you just pay the shipping and handling.  If you have any questions about the free week, the course etc. pop us an email through our contact form and I (Jenny) will get back to you.