Tag: vedic astrology calendar 2016

  • Vedic Astrology Calendar

    vedic astrology calendar 2016There is a very special Vedic Astrology calendar

    complimentary gift being offered by Kathleen Whalen. This gift is called the Conscious Calendars and People who have used this in the past have been getting impressive results just by referring to it daily. You do not need any knowledge in astrology or even past history of reading horoscopes to gain daily benefits from this gift, because it is designed to be simple, accurate and easy to use.

    The Conscious Calendar is different than the hand on the wall average planner, in fact it is actually a technology and you download the calendar to your computer, tablet or mobile device, and view it. The creator of it is Kathleen Whalen Vedic Astrologer is well regarded in her field and is considered one of the top in the world. She has taken this 7,000-year-old body of wisdom and simplifies astrology, which can be difficult for people to understand, and created a peak performance tool. This tool is one that that even the busiest, most stressed out person can use to make better decisions and improve their outcomes in every area of life.

    Why This Vedic Astrology Calendar

    While it is true there are many out there the Conscious Calendar is different not only in the aspect that it is a technology you download and view it. The days with this calendar are actually color coded and each color represents what the day holds for example Red days you should take it easy and lay low Yellow days are for Being Cautious, green days are for spreading your wings and going all out, and so on. With this easy color coding you can simply glance at the day and know what it holds, there is no need to try to interpret astrological jargon you do not understand.   This color coding helps you because at the beginning of the day you know what to avoid engaging which prevents unnecessary energy expenditure or you know you can plan on green days to use that energy ease and flow to boost success.

    This 2016 Calendar is really a breakthrough for those who love astrology and for those who are skeptical. By downloading the complimentary gift you can put it to the test and once you see that the colors do align with the universe and your life you can begin to focus on the future much more proactively. The Kathleen Whalen Vedic Astrology Calendar 2016 gift is available now so you can know the Upcoming days of danger and abundance in this December and into 2016 with this ancient science of foresight. By gaining access to the complimentary gift you can begin to align your life with Cosmic Rhythm and understand How to get the Universe on your side, every day, it is almost like having your own magic crystal ball.