Tag: tibetan buddhism

  • Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    Embracing the Unknown with Pema ChödrönEmbracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön offers a free teaching on living with uncertainty.

    There are always life’s uncertainties that can leave you feeling restless and distracted? You’re definitely not alone.

    In this unpredictable world, it’s easy to get caught in the in-between a state of uncertainty.  According to the teachings of  Pema Chödrön, this seemingly chaotic restlessness is nothing new. In fact, in the realms of Buddhist philosophy, every moment is inherently uncertain. It’s all about how we ride the waves and fully embrace the  groundlessness of existence.


    Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This teaching session with  Pema Chödrön will share wisdom on finding serenity and living life to the fullest amidst the thrilling ups and downs of existence.

    Pema’s teachings will open your eyes to the hidden magic that resides within those tiny gaps between moments. The moments we often overlook or take for granted. Even the so-called “normal” times are in constant flux, slipping away as soon as we try to hold onto them. 

    Pema knows that recognizing life’s inherent groundlessness is the key to unlocking unparalleled value and discovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.


    Unraveling the Mysteries: Dancing with Uncertainty and Fear

    This is your  ticket to a conversation between Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon. They will discuss the journey through the depths of uncertainty and fear.

    You will learn about the heart of impermanence which is a core concept in Buddhism. Plus, they will talk about  the secrets of how our attachments to material things intensify our suffering.

    Through their dialogue, you’ll gain insights into embracing change and finding your inner peace.

    Secure Your Spot for Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

    This is a  chance to expand your mind, confront your deepest fears, and cultivate  resilience in the face of uncertainty.  Amidst the whirlwind of chaos finding solace and meaning becomes crucial.

    Through Pema Chödrön and Tami Simon guidance, you’ll not only learn to embrace the impermanence but also rid yourself of attachment. Watch the session with Pema Chödrön,  and begin a journey of self-discovery. One that will give you insights into the lessons that can be extracted from contemplating the enigma of death. 


  • The Freedom to Choose Something Different

    The Freedom to Choose Something Different The Freedom to Choose Something Different with Pema Chödrön is free teaching. This video reveals how we’re all “hooked” by our emotional triggers  and how we can break free.

    Have you ever found yourself in repetitive patterns? Pema Chödrön asserts that we all get stuck in these habits, without even realizing it.

    Imagine this: A sudden criticism is hurled at you and your jaw clenches, and emotional outbursts engulfs you.


    Or perhaps exclusion from a group text triggers that all-too-familiar inferno within. But this time, instead of retaliating, you find yourself ensnared in a self-assault of inner dialogues.

    Escaping  these patterns seems implausible , almost like an enigma you cannot crack.

    The Freedom to Choose Something Different

    In these bewildering moments, we instinctively resort to coping mechanisms. We surrender to rage, bathe in self-criticism, or seek solace in food.

    Yet, these impulsive reactions do nothing to truly liberate us. Instead, they deepen our wounds and perpetuate the cycle of suffering.

    Pema Chödrön, has peeled back the layers of this  human condition.

    In her free audio teaching,  Pema delves into the entanglements, unraveling the very essence of our hooks. She then shares the tools to immediate transformation.

    Embracing the Profound Wisdom of Pema Chödrön

    If you’ve ever felt lost in self-defeating behaviors or how to navigate emotional triggers with wisdom and grace, then this is for you.

    Pema shares the mystical realm of shenpa. Shenpa is a Tibetan Buddhist concept that encapsulates the entrapment in patterns that lead to suffering. She will share  pathways to break free from these behaviors and nurture a compassion.


    Embrace the Thrill of Positive Groundlessness: Charting a Course to Freedom

    You will hear about  “positive groundlessness.”  By mastering the art of pausing, observing, and embracing the uncertainty of our emotional triggers without succumbing to their force, you can reclaim the power to respond with discernment and  compassion.

    The Freedom to Choose Something Different

     Pema Chödrön will  impart her insights and  practical techniques for liberation Byfrom the chains of repetitive patterns. In this captivating and transformational teaching, “Finding Freedom from Our Patterns,” Pema shall illuminate the path towards heightened self-awareness, resilience, and true emancipation.

    You can boldly venture into the exhilarating realm of positive groundlessness, and discover the electrifying freedom that awaits when you choose something different. Follow the link below to register and set forth on this awe-inspiring adventure with Pema Chödrön.