Tag: the law of attraction and spirtuality

  • The Law of Attraction and The Power of Positive Thinking

    Many people of spiritual beliefs seem to have problems with The Law of Attraction.  Being brought up in a certain religious background I can understand there concerns.  However, I have not seen many compare any manuscripts on The Law of Attraction to Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

    I have read that many believe that Peale was out of line and in some cases a blasphemer:)

    Those people are entitled to their opinion and it is not the intent of this to challenge that.

    My goal is to show the great comparisons of The Law of Attraction with Peale’s beliefs and advice portrayed in “The Power of Positive Thinking.”  In a small publication that I have by Peale it goes through several areas that all seem to relate to The Law of Attraction with biblical teachings.

    The first area talks about believing in yourself, it states that if there is no belief and low self confidence that these things take your true power away.  The quote from the bible that he uses in this chapter is “If God be for us, who can be against us.”  Putting this in Law of Attraction terms if source energy is delivering then what can be against us?

    Another area goes into how to have constant energy.  In this section it speaks of negative emotion and how it takes your energy away.  It relates to the Bible by saying that the overall point of the Bible is life, and life is vitality.  In Law of Attraction terms, it speaks often of how negative emotions will leave you in an unenergized place making it more difficult to achieve your desires.

    The section on how to create your own happiness is startling in the comparisons between the spirituality and the Law of Attraction.  The basis of this section is that the only person that decides your happiness is you, much like what the Law of Attraction states.  The Biblical verse that is used is “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  It speaks of everyday repeating the things you want for the day, much like the Law of Attraction states.

    Although there are many more sections that I will cover at a later time, I would like to focus on one last section entitled “Expect the Best and Get It.”  I believe the name says it all.  In this section it states:

    “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing [now get that – the one thing] that ensures the successful outcome of your venture.”  When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you.”

    Like the title of this section, the quote itself says quite a bit, including mentioning the Law of Attraction itself.  One of the Biblical quotes used in this section is “If ye have faith nothing is impossible to you.”

    As you can see from this brief comparison there are many similarities between Peale’s work and works on the Law of Attraction.  There are also many scriptures within the Bible that relate well to the teachings of the Law of Attraction.

    I take no side on which way is the best way; the purpose of this is to enlighten others, as well as myself, to many similarities of religion, spirituality, and the Law of Attraction.