Tag: tapping world summit

  • EFT Tapping – Free EFT Information

    I am very late on posting this one so my apologies, due to my lateness this is a last chance reminder that if you want to own the entire 13 videos in the series, which include over 8 hours of streaming or downloadable video with experts Nick Ortner, Kris Carr, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Carol Tuttle and Dawson Church, you need to make sure to take action right away.

    EFT Tapping also known as Emotional Freedom technique has been scientifically proven to change the brain, literally re-wiring it, to both eliminate unwanted negative traits, emotions and beliefs and enhance positive ones.

    Many wonder how do you get to have more of what you want and have more emotional fulfillment? The EFT technique was shown, in clinical tests, to reduce negative emotions like stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and FEAR!


    We often have a tendency to ignore our deepest fears. Which makes sense, of course, because why would we want to think or focus on something we fear? We’re innately programmed to avert these fears, ignore them, and push them down. The problem, however, is that when we do that they don’t go away or play less of a role in our lives. If anything, they play a bigger, and oftentimes more unconscious role.

    The good news is that you can finally do something about these fears. With EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique you can finally let them go and change your life in profound ways. Whether it’s a fear of public speaking, fear of heights or any other phobia, fear of standing out, fear of success, fear of failure…the list goes on and on.

    The Tapping World Summit starts in just 3 days which means that this is your last chance to register for this 100% free online event before it starts.  Last year 344,725 people attended this event without paying a dime and received unbelievable value.

    EFT Tapping is a one-of-a-kind technique that creates life-altering results for those who use it.