Tag: st germain violet flame

  • Be a Modern Master Course

    be a modern master courseThe new Be A Modern Master Course with Deborah King is offered by Mindvalley academy, while there are not many reviews available there is a free masterclass where you can learn all about it.  In this short overview we will cover the class and why anyone and everyone should attend.

    Deborah King is a world renowned author and an energy healer, many know her from her different works and her guided meditations. The upcoming event to introduce you to this course is entitled “The first step of the modern master” and during she will share with you How to Release the Emotional Traumas That Are Holding You back.  Now if you are thinking you do not have any trauma this event is for people no matter if they have suffered a major trauma or mini negative events in their past.  Even the smallest traumas imprint your life today and by learning to release those you open your life up to your greatest potential.

    When it comes to the word trauma many think big and while that may be the case for some, the truth of the matter is, if you experienced something that haunts you today no matter how big or how small it is your trauma.  You do not have to experience a break in or be beaten to have something dramatically affect your current state.  It all varies person to person, what may be traumatic for some may not be for others and that is why we stated above that this event is meant for all who are interested in clearing their past and living their fullest.

    Be a Modern Master Course

    This masterclass is about liberating yourself by learning to release the restrictive shackles of your past. You may have heard this before but Deborah King is a bit different, during this event she will share with you how traditional coping skills for trauma are not only ineffective but may be harming you.   You will also learn:

    • How to instantly experience higher vibrations of love and peace.
    • How to find the miracle road to peace that you have been searching for
    • Learn why your dreams, goals and visions go unrealized because of painful traumas and fear
    • Discover the biggest thing holding your potential back
    • Plus get to experience for the first time the Deborah King Saint Germain and the Temple of The Violet Flame visualization experience

    Now for us this was the first time of learning about the sacred violet flame transmutation in general let alone Kings Visualization technique.  The violet flame is a certain spiritual energy that assists you with healing heal emotional problems, traumas, and more.  With the st Germain violet flame you will learn from Deborah you will discover how to let go of your past baggage that has been holding you back for so long.  This Be a Modern Master Course event is going to be a ground-breaking event where you can discover how to live your true purpose and express yourself the fullest. Plus by attending you will get an idea of what and how Deborah teaches and if her methods are speaking to your soul.