Tag: shift network

  • Shamanism Death and Dying

    Shamanism Death and DyingThe Shamanism Death and Dying course is for anyone. Whether you are interested in Shamanism or require new answers to what lies beyond.  Death is a guarantee and one of people’s biggest fears. To have the opportunity to learn a new view of it can be quite liberating.

    While many to don’t think of death on a daily basis or try not to, others are constantly haunted by it.  This affects all areas of life and while living your goal is to live! Robert Moss Shaman offers a fresh perception of the shamanic belief of the afterlife.  Luckily you do not have to jump right into the course. For a limited time you can learn about it by attending a free Shift Network live webcast.

    Before going any further I will share a bit about myself which is something I do not normally do. I used to be paralyzed by the thought of death. I was one who thought about it daily.  Ever ache and pain led me to the thought that I was dying.  Now there were reasons why I adopted that mindset that I will not go into now however one thing that did help me was learning the many different beliefs about the afterlife.

    Shamanic Journeying to the Other Side: Communicate with the Departed & Make Death Your Ally

    This event is one hour long but within that hour Robert Moss will cover a wealth of information.  You will learn advanced Shaman dreaming techniques to journey into other realms. Sound unbelievable? It would too many, that is exactly why you can attend this Robert Moss Dream workshop at no charge. You will learn in depth about Shamanism Death and Dying Approaches.

    Shamanism is something I and the group do not usually cover.  Out of the many things we do it is an area that we are not as well educated in.  That is one of many reasons I will be attending this event.  During you he will share how journeying to the other side can create courage and inspiration for life. You will learn about to heal you past by engaging with the departed and much more.

    Shamanism Death and Dying

    This course may not be for you but you will never know unless you attend the event.  I believe this webinar is good for anyone with:

    • The Fear of death
    • Have Questions about the afterlife
    • Have unhealed relationships with those who have passed on
    • Those who need more zest in life
    • Anyone who has interests in dreams and their meanings
    • And those who desire insight into the souls survival after dying.

    From the afterlife to dreams this workshop will be powerful.  It is coming up soon and if you cannot make the time of the event you will receive a recording afterwards if you register.  To learn about the Robert Moss Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife course and to attend the event you can go to the Shift Network  website.




  • Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future is with Dr. Stanislav Grof. During it you will learn New Approaches for Self-exploration and Healing.


    Embarking on a Journey of Perplexity: Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    Do you find yourself grappling with a deep-seated frustration when it comes to the field of psychology?

    Perhaps you’ve longed for it to embrace the study of spirituality or consciousness?

    Have you ever had the experience of personally encountering the transformative power of altered states and shamanic consciousness?

    If you answered with an emphatic “yes” to any of these questions, then allow me to introduce you to the esteemed Dr. Stanislav Grof. With decades of legal scientific research dedicated to exploring potential Dr. Grof is set to captivate your imagination in this upcoming online event entitled.

    Brace yourself for a remarkable journey that promises to unravel insights at the intersection of psychology and spirituality.

    Unleashing a Maelstrom of Perspectives

    You’ll plunge headlong into a whirlpool of intrigue as you immerse yourself in this hour-long event. Dr. Stanislav Grof will be your guiding light. He will lead you on an odyssey that challenges the very foundations of conventional views in psychology.

    Together, you will chart new territories of shamanic consciousness, personal growth, and profound healing, forever altering your perceptions along the way.

    Diving into the Depths of Non-Ordinary States

    Central to this event is an intrepid exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Dr. Grof adamantly emphasizes the immense power that lies within the depths of these states. These provide a gateway to an entirely novel comprehension of shamanic consciousness.

    By venturing beyond the confines of  reality, one can unveil insights that penetrate the core of the human psyche, leaving an imprint on one’s understanding of the self.

    Unveiling the Enigmatic “Inner Healer” while Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    His  teachings harbor another enigmatic gem—the concept of the “inner healer.”

    This event is like an expedition into the recesses of your own being.  You’ll discover how this innate aspect can assume the role of an invaluable compass.

    You can finally allow your inner healer to guide you through the  paths of personal growth. This inner self offers direction when navigating the treacherous terrain of life’s challenges.


    Expanding the Frontiers of Psyche and Cosmos

    Dr. Grof’s groundbreaking work will push  you into an expansive realm that defies traditional confines. He will share the nature and role of transpersonal experiences, reshaping your understanding of the human mind. You will begin to understand the mind and its intricate connection to the vast tapestry of the universe.

    By delving into the realms of art, shamanism, and myth, you’ww hear the interplay between individual consciousness and the profound depths of the collective unconscious.

    Unearthing the Potency of Birth Experience

    In this riveting event, Dr. Grof shines a piercing light upon the often-neglected significance of our birth experience in shaping our growth and development.

    He illuminates the transformative potential that lies within the act of clearing birth trauma—an incredibly potent tool that can breathe new life into our healing journey.

    By addressing the imprints of our earliest moments, we lay a solid foundation for the magnificent odyssey of self-discovery and well-being that awaits us.

    A Pathway to Profound Healing and Unbounded Growth

    The fusion of psychology and spirituality within his work beckons us to venture through unexplored gateways. These lead to profound healing and unparalleled growth for yourself and those you touch.

    Through the  non-ordinary states of consciousness, we gain an extraordinary appreciation of our boundless potential.

    Dr. Grof’s teachings offer an expanded arsenal of transformative tools, allowing us to excavate and liberate deep-rooted traumas from both the recesses of our psyche and the very fabric of our physical being.

    Unlocking the Cosmic Tapestry

    Within the immersive event of “Discovering the Psychology of the Future,” Dr. Grof invites us to transcend the shackles of our everyday reality and embark on a cosmic odyssey. As we delve into altered states of consciousness, we shatter the limitations that confine us, unveiling hitherto unexplored dimensions. These ethereal encounters may even grant us glimpses into the enigmatic tapestry of past lives, forever transforming our perception of the vast expanse of existence.

    Discovering the Psychology of the Future

    The online event featuring Dr. Stanislav Grof presents an extraordinary opportunity to traverse the uncharted territory.

    By attending you  venture into the depths of  insights, forever altering their understanding of the human psyche and its ethereal connection to spirituality.

    This voyage holds the key to unlocking your true potential, envisioning a life with profound purpose. Plus, it will and equip you with the transformative tools essential for your healing journey.


  • Shamanic Wisdom Summit

    shamanic wisdom summitThe Shamanic Wisdom Summit is coming up soon and you can register for it now.  This year’s Shift Network webcast is hosted by Michael Stone and has a wonderful lineup of speakers. This 3 day event is complimentary and whether you are curious about Shamanism or are seasoned this event is not to be missed.


    The Shamanism Summit speakers include Lynn V Andrews, Sandra Ingerman,Alberto Villoldo, PhD,don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Betsy Bergstrom,John Perkins, José Luis Stevens, Lena Stevens HeatherAsh Amara,Itzhak Beery, Imelda Almqvist, Evelyn C. Rysdyk,Jan Engels-Smith, Hank Wesselman,Jill Kuykendall,Nicki Scully,Llyn Roberts, Kate Shela,and Marcela Lobos. These speakers will take you on a Journey into the Heart of Ancient Spiritual Wisdom with Shamanic Practices. This event is appropriate for any spiritual path because what you will discover can be applied to your life not matter what your beliefs.

    Shamanic Wisdom Summit

    During this summit you will touch on many different areas of the Shaman such as:

    • The art of seeing, as a path to power and mastery
    • Shamanic journeying basics
    • Realms of consciousness
    • How to get guidance from the upper and lower worlds
    • The ceremony of shamanism for healings, blessings and rites of passage
    • How to balance material and spiritual experiences of human living.
    • Learn about “possession illness” and how shamanism can help
    • The medicine wheel to understand the shamanic relationship between the masculine and feminine
    • Discover your “inner fire”
    • Plus more


    Why Attend?

    By attending the Shamanic Wisdom Summit you will be introduced to the power of living a shamanic way of life. As mentioned if you are a Shaman this event is for you as well. You will learn How to tap into your intuitive power and gain tools from ridding negative thoughts. What is most exciting is that you will learn your role as a co-creator with the world   and gain a deeper reverence for nature.

    If you know nothing about Shamanism at all you will still be pleased with this summit.  It will allow you to deepen your connection with life, have more fulfilling relationships, and shapeshift your story.  When you learn the way of the Shaman you are learning a way to embrace both your masculine and feminine energy.  By doing so you change your personal life while still helping to transform our world.

    The Shamanism Wisdom Summit event will open your up to a new way of viewing and living life.  When hearing of the Shaman it can be a bit confusing or unsettling for those who do not understand it. That is exactly why this webcast is worth attending.  This wonderful line up of speakers with cover so many topics that will enlighten you and empower you.

    Also when you register for free you will get a bonus gift from Michael Stone. This gift is a welcome message that explains Shamanism for personal and global healing. This webcast only comes around once a year and is a rare opportunity to learn about this way of life free of charge.  To learn more about the event or to register you can go to the Shift Network Course Website.

  • International Day of Yoga 2016

    international day of yoga 2016There are many International Day of Yoga  2016 events each year but there is one in particular we are pretty excited about.  June 21 is Yoga Day and while there are things to do to celebrate all over the world this event is online and of course free of charge. It is the Yoga Day Summit presented by the Shift Network and UPLIFT and attending it is like your own personal Yoga retreat.

    This Yoga Day Summit: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science gives you an opportunity to experience and celebrate the beauty, power and depth of yoga.  Yoga is so much more than just an exercise and you will discover how it can help you living a better life by becoming more radiantly healthy, spiritually awake and engaged. This summit is a full day event where you will get to explore the world of yoga from its ancient roots in India to today’s global movement of transformation. It does not matter what your experience with yoga is this event is designed for all. If you’re newer to yoga, you’ll be inspired to evolve your practice and improve your entire lifestyle or if you are an experienced teacher, you’ll discover what’s on the forefront of the yoga world enlightening your students and taking your classes, studio or workshops to the next level.

    International Day of Yoga 2016  – Yoga Day Summit

    This event has many amazing teachers including H.H. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Seane Corn, Mooji, Shiva Rea, Michael A. Singer, Janet Stone, Ana Forrest, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Tommy Rosen, Kia Miller and others. They have all gather to share with you their wisdom on a variety of subjects that can empower you to take your practice to the next level. This global community of yogis sages, musicians, scientists and beloved teachers  are from around the globe and with the knowledge they share you will discover yoga practices, guided meditations and healing breathwork for restoring, balancing and invigorating your body, mind and soul. Here is a bit of what you will discover by attending:

    • Interviews with India’s most respected spiritual leaders
    • UPLIFT’s The Science of Yoga film which shares the latest medical and scientific research about the healing benefits of yoga
    •  Michael A. Singer sharing on yoga and The Untethered Soul and Karma yoga and The Surrender Experiment
    • Deep insights on the various streams of yoga traditions
    • The physical, mental, emotional & spiritual benefits of yoga in modern times
    • Exciting ways yoga can help transform culture, societal structures and business
    • Yogic wisdom for maintaining peace when facing social injustice
    • The most hopeful grassroots developments we’re experiencing through yoga today
    • How Yoga is awakening the Sacred Feminine
    • Interviews and musical performances by top Kirtan musicians
    • Plus more

    You will also receive incredible access to video and audio sessions that can help you experience deeper levels of the Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Raja paths of yoga.  The Yoga Day Summit is one of the best International Day of Yoga 2016 Events online it gives you the opportunity to participate in powerful experiential activities, including a global wave of sun salutations around the world, a global unification meditation, as well as asana, breathing and mantra practices.



  • Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David CrowYou can learn about Medicinal Plants and Spiritual Evolution with David Crow. This event is called How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology and Spirituality.

    We often perceive plants as lifeless entities, overlooking their  existence as sentient beings. However, they are intricately intertwined with the well-being of our bodies, minds, and spirits.


    What if these magnificent plants, with their life-nurturing properties, hold the very key not only to our physical vitality but also to our profound spiritual evolution? This notion, deeply rooted in ancient systems of natural medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It illuminates the profound impact of plants on our life force, acting as conduits that connect us to the raw energy of the sun.

    This event will explore the relationship between plants and our spiritual growth, guided by the wisdom of David Crow, the founder of Floracopeia.

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Crow will go deep into the mesmerizing interplay between plants and our spiritual growth. Casting aside the notion of plants as mere embellishments or remedies.

    David shines a radiant light on their transformative potential, nurturing the  essence of our spiritual journey. Whether you have found solace in the  beauty of a garden, or sought to unlock the hidden power of essential oils, David’s insights into the connection between plants and humanity will leave you spellbound.

    A Glimpse into the Enigmatic Realm: Amplifying Plant Intelligence

    He will guide you through body-based awareness exercises designed to awaken your senses and elevate your ability to perceive the intelligence that permeates the plant kingdom.

    In this experience, you will forge a meditative relationship with the very essence of medicinal plants. Plus, you will openportals of wisdom that extend far beyond the physical realm.

    Energizing the Connection: A Spirited Rendezvous with Medicinal Plants

    David will unveil breath practices carefully crafted to ignite a energetic communion with these botanical allies. I

    You will connect with this life force shared between you and the plant realm, creating rejuvenation, awakening, and  healing.

    You will hear about medicinal plants, where the boundaries between self and nature dissolve into a pulsating energy exchange.


    Cultivating Organic Wisdom: A Symbiotic Bond with Plants

    David Crow  weaves together wisdom from healing practices, creating an understanding surrounding the  relationship between humans and plants.

    Through harnessing the power of plants,you can  nurture the emergence of heightened intelligence within your body, mind, and soul.

    Under his expert guidance, you will be able to create a sustainable and deeply connected bond with the life force that breathes through every fiber of existence.

    The Symphony of Wholeness: Harmonizing Body, Mind, and Spirit

    “How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality,” a virtual event that will expand your perception of plants beyond the ordinary.

    David Crow invites you to harmonize the intricate systems of your body. It can help heal past traumas, and establish a relationship with life force. This will shift your path to one personal growth, awakening, and vibrant health.

    Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution with David Crow

    Join David Crow in this awe-inspiring virtual event as he imparts essential wisdom that unifies natural medicine, ecology, and spirituality.

    His multifaceted wisdom of plants and unlock a  relationship with the t life force that flows within you and the wondrous natural world.


  • The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert MossThe Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss is a free event. During it you will discover How to Use Your Dreamtime for Healing and Transformation.

    Dreams, often dismissed as fleeting nocturnal spectacles, hold profound potential for transformation and guidance.

    Across cultures, shamans have embraced dreams as portals to higher realities. They use them for healing and personal growth.

    Modern science has begun to recognize the immense power of dreams. They allow you to tap into self-awareness in the Dreamtime, unlocking new dimensions of consciousness.

    During this event you will learn the wisdom of dreams with Robert Moss.


    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    Beyond mere fleeting thoughts, dreams become a conduit through which our souls communicate. They grant us access to a multidimensional reality.

    Drawing from ancient practices validated by modern science, we discover the immense power hidden within our Dreamtime.

    Robert Moss: Illuminating the Path

    Robert Moss is a bestselling author renowned for his work on dreams and their transformative potential. With works such as “Dreaming the Soul Back Home,” Moss offers a paradigm shift in how we perceive dreams, the soul, and even waking reality itself.

    His teachings embrace a shamanic approach to dreaming. He invites you to engage in Active Dreaming  which is a practice that opens new gateways to spiritual awareness and personal growth.


    The Power of Active Dreaming: A Virtual Workshop Overview

    This immersive experience promises to expand your perception of dreams. It will show you how to harness their power for healing and guidance.

    Throughout the workshop, you’ll explore practical techniques and profound insights, including:

    Using Active Dreaming to gain accurate glimpses of your future.

    Receive valuable guidance for decision-making.

    Establishing a direct connection with spirit guides through your dreams.

    Unlocking deeper spiritual awareness.

    Re-entering dreamscapes to continue your journey.

    Embracing dreams as “medicine” from a shamanic perspective.

    The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

    Register now for the mind-expanding virtual workshop with Robert Moss. You’ll gain insights into the true nature of dreaming as a relevant and authentic spiritual practice.

    You can choose your preferred day and time to attend as you move towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the realm of dreams.

    Open yourself to new dimensions of consciousness with the world of dreams. A new experience offering guidance, wisdom, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.