Tag: shift network transforming aging summit

  • Transforming Aging Summit

    Transforming Aging SummitThe Transforming Aging Summit 2016 is a free 3 day event presented by the Shift Network. This event is hosted by Ron Pevny Founder & Director, Center for Conscious Eldering and has a lineup of top conscious aging experts. They will share with you insightful views of aging that is filled with purpose and vitality.

    Our society today tries to halt the aging process, with new ways to look younger, at younger and so on. It is almost as if our world is trying to hold back the natural process of aging instead of viewing it as a spiritual growth and a time that is a very joyful and purpose-filled stage of life. If you can relate to this or this resonates with you this is truly an event not to be missed. This event is not just for the elderly or those reaching those so called “golden years”, it is designed for everyone whether you are in those years, you work with the elderly or you desire to know how to embrace the aging process.

    Transforming Aging Summit 2016

    This year’s event as mentioned as many speakers which include Joan Borysenko,John Robbins, Harry R Moody, Mary Catherine Bateson, Richard Leider,Connie Goldman, Beth Baker, Bob Atchley,Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.,Dominie Cappadonna,Gary Carlson, PhD, Rachael Freed, Drew Leder,Lynne Iser,Karl Pillemer,Karen Sands, MCC, BCC, and Fernando Torres-Gil. This event is like attending mini conscious aging workshop because during the summit they will share with you how to embrace your potential as you grow older in life. I

    if you or someone you know can relate to Feeling isolated and Diminished sense of purpose, Feeling as though you do not have a meaningful roles in life and feel Confused on how you can contribute to the world, Lack of passion and an   Absence of positive role models, Suffering with Physical pain and health problems, Feel a Lack of spiritual guidance, Or any other difficult problems associated with getting older this is an one event you will want to attend. This panel of conscious aging experts will share with you how you can make your later years you’re greater years and by attending you will discover:

    • conscious aging approaches
    • how to have More purpose for your life
    • learn about conscious aging resources
    • Practices that actually work to achieve better health and mental sharpness
    • How to release any past baggage to have more energy and explore the endless possibilities for the next stage of your life
    • Insights on how spiritual needs change as you age
    • Plus much more

    Whether you know it or not aging is a wonderful thing instead of looking at it as the world does you can see it the way it was meant to be, at time for growth, healing, contribution and more. By attending this webcast you will learn the secrets for young at heart and how as you age consciously the possibilities in your years are endless. To learn more about the Shift Network Transforming Aging Summit 2016 3 day event or to attend you can go to the main site HERE.