Tag: saltori system for structured thinking

  • Secret To Maximizing Your Life

    secret to maximizing your lifeThe Secret To Maximizing Your Life is a new video presentation by Andy Shaw Saltori System for Structured Thinking creator. This video presentation is complimentary and shows you How to get everything you ever wanted from life easily. Within it you will discover How to go from failure to success and learn to simplify achievement and maximize your results.

    Instead of just putting up with life like so many do, within this training you will learn how to increase your potential so you can enjoy your life fully within the next 90 days. We are taught to believe to just be happy with what you have and while this is true there is nothing wrong with desiring more. Andy Shaw teaches you in this presentation how to get from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest time possible.  The Secret To Maximizing your life is a 40 minute presentation that which contains techniques and methods that easy to understand and implement.

    But why should anyone listen to Andy? Well if you have already taken his free Discovering Happiness quiz or have read any of his Bug Free Mind Books then you already know this is one man who knows what he is talking about, If you have not you can take the quiz and grab some of his books at no charge. Andy is a story you may have heard before, he was successful, lost money, and came back better than ever. Andy and people who have done this are exactly the type of people you want to listen to because they have the mindset and know how to recover after life has fallen apart.

    If you have been searching for the best way on how to increase your potential the Secret To Maximizing your Life video presentation is for you. It is rare to get this kind of self-improvement training at no charge, Andy could easily charge for it, but for now it is free so watch it while you can. The training will enlighten you to why people cannot get what they want and how to remedy it. The Andy Shaw training also goes into:

    • Why all your Shelf Help books (personal growth etc.) are not working for you and you can take them all and make them work
    • How your mind works and why many times it seems to be working against you
    • Uncontrollable Thinking and how it sabotages your ability to get what you want from life
    • How an easy goal setting process and simplify your achievement
    • Learn to embrace your natural born language that almost guarantees success
    • Plus more

    This breakthrough training does explain how you can shift your potential by using your mind’s natural language, plus it reveals some unique insights into why it becomes harder for people to make progress in life as they age. We found this part to be very interesting because despite all the knowledge individuals’ gain throughout their years it should make success and potential easier, Andy explains why this happens. To learn more or to watch the Andy Shaw Saltori Secret to Maximizing your life video presentation go HERE to the main site.


  • Structured Thinking Starter Kit


    There is a new structured thinking starter kit as one of the several Andy Shaw’s a bug free mind starter kit he offers. This complimentary kit is available for immediate download and like our last post entitled Consciousness Raising Techniques Course about Andy’s other free gift Footsteps Through The Mind this kit is jam packed with quality content.

    Andy Shaw is the creator of the Saltori Method for structured thinking and with this mini course you can get a solid foundation of what and how this method works. In short, the structured thinking method is a way to think in small bit size pieces or tiny structures, if you have ever found yourself struggled with problem solving or not attaining your goals, it more than like has to do with your thinking. Most people were taught what to think and not in terms of what one should be doing, by having this way of thinking it causes obstacles and issues we it comes to issues and life achievements. This is not anyone’s fault, there was no manual for parents, or mentors etc. to teach you to think correctly, however there is a way to “think better” to improve every aspect of your life.

    The Structured Thinking Starter kit was as mentioned created by Andy Shaw who is also the creator of a bug free mind, which we have covered on this site before. Inside the kit Andy reveals that without having the structured thinking process in the mind you are put information into a what to think mind and not a how to think mind. This may sound complicated but it is not, and if you have ever taken advantage of a bug free mind free download you already know that Andy has a way of explaining and teaching his methods in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and apply.

    Now if you think you thinking method is fine here are a few questions that will put you to the test, if you answer yes to even one saltori structured thinking can help:

    • Do you want more from life, but without the extra effort?
    • Do you want to let go of life’s unwanted baggage?
    • Does getting smarter sound good to you?
    • Do you want to remove pain and obstacles from your mind?
    • Have you ever had a problem come up and could not find an answer?

    I know we answered yes to more than one of these and if you did taking advantage of the complimentary kit is a great place to start understanding how you can change the above questions as well as improve your overall wellbeing. Inside the Saltori system for structured thinking starter kit you will learn Why most is getting it wrong in regards to thinking, discover how to experience life in vivid detail, How to easily achieve more without trying harder, how to become more successful and much more. These are just some of benefits of the kit plus you get structured thinking training from an expert in the field of brain retraining techniques at no charge.

    You get access to the bug free mind free download Andy Shaw Structured Thinking Starter Kit you can go HERE and once you have gone through it we would love to hear what you think in the comments