Tag: quality of life

  • The Money And Wealth Mindset

    It is a common belief that the world is divided into two groups of people-the ones that have, and the ones that have not. Here’s the important question, where do you think you are in? Do you believe that you are one of those have-not’s and there is no way out of it? What a sad state to be in; fortunately, you don’t have to stay there. You can have an absolutely amazing quality of life-the universe is just waiting to get it to you.

    Do you want to know the secret to get wealth? First things first, what does money mean to you? Note that it is not the general definition we ask but what the personal meaning it is to you. Your perception on the piece of paper will determine your financial success. Money is more than currency-it is an idea.

    So what do you think about prosperity? People who are uncomfortable with this concept tend to live in need and lack of resources. If you think you are not this person carefully check yourself. Are you allowing your present situation dictate the perception you have on your financial status? Are you concentrating more on what you do not have today instead of what you can have tomorrow?

    How regrettable that we have excellent learning institutions in place that teach on almost all important matters yet still have so much need in educating people how to build wealth effectively. Three percent of the population knows the secret to the infallible wealth acquisition and it is this: you need to think rich before you get rich.

    To build wealth you must first believe, indeed, live the truth of prosperity in your mind first. Have a prosperity consciousness that will make every situation an opportunity for you to create abundance. Remember, being broke is an event; it is not who you are. You need to live this, see this and breathe this every day until it becomes it penetrates into your physical reality.

    Alright, you want this-now what can you do about it? Grade yourself on the level of your current prosperity today. Write down your desires and goals and be specific about it. Begin speaking out a prosperity motivation quote every day. What you are doing is training your subconscious mind to act in assistance to bringing the motivation quote into fruition.

    Understand that money needs to be more than what you can buy for yourself-it must be seen in the perspective on how to improve the quality of life in other people. Do not be dishonest and manipulative in your money-making endeavors-you will not be happy; hence true wealth will constantly elude you.

    Begin your journey to a most satisfying life today. Adopt a wealthy mindset and create the world you want to live in. To be rich is easier than you would think-all you need is to make the decision to be one today.

    Looking to find the best information on wealth building in six minutes a day, then visit Bob Proctor’s “Six Minutes to Success” site.