Tag: psychology thinking

  • Age Specific Thinking – Psychology Thinking

    When there is tension, frustration, or hate for another in your life, it can wear on you more then it will every effect the other person. The negative feeling build-up can lead to perpetual negative thoughts, mood problems, and even physical illness.

    When someone has done you wrong or is not seeing your point of view, it can be a difficult task for you to change your mindset.

    One helpful trick that has been helping me is using some age based thinking. Not just realizing your age but utilizing age specific thinking.

    What I mean by age specific thinking only takes a second and can greatly change your point of view in moments. Using age specific thinking is not to dwell upon your current age and the negativities you may have associated with it. Age specific thinking is to bring your awareness back to NOW not the insecure age or time where you feel you need to defend or justify to others.

    Practicing age specific thinking is quite simple but needs to be practiced away from as well as during negative situations. By practicing away from negative situations enough, the process should become natural to you so you can handle them when they arise. By practicing during situations you can put the process in motion and see how it is working for you. From there make adjustments to areas that are not working well.

    To practice away from negativity you need about 5 minutes and a reasonably quiet place. Unlike other self-improvement techniques there can be distractions as long as they are minimal.

    To begin the process sit or stand alone in front of a mirror and look at your face. Notice your facial expressions, eyes, and any other features you find pleasing. Begin thinking of phrases to say to yourself, both in your mind and aloud. Some very effective phrases are “ I am 32 now” or I am “ I am 32 years of age.” While speaking and hearing in your mind these phrases keep the focus on your face. You will soon come to realize the real you. Don’t expect to understand that phrase now it will come to you.

    Before or in a negative situation you should also practice the age based thinking. By doing this it will give you a better idea of what phrases are working for you as well as how well the process is working for you. Some key phrases while in a negative situation may be “I am 32 years old and can handle this the best way possible” or I am a 32 year old now and I can manage to handle this calmly and effectively.”

    Many people make the mistake of using negative phrases while using the process in an uncomfortable situation. For example, people use phrases such as “They are 32 years of age and should act like it” or “I am 32 years of age and I act like it why can’t they.” By using these phrases you are making the process about the other person or persons. It is not your business about how they handle themselves, and the goal of age based thinking is to help you. The main person who will ever take care of you is you therefore making it about another will just increase your frustration

    If you find that the process is not working for you as well as you would like a simple way to speed up results is to create your own phrases that are personal and positive to you. You may also increase you alone practice to as many minutes as you see fit. Make it a personal process for you.