Tag: Patrick K. Porter

  • Porter Vision

    Patrick K. Porter, PhD is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker.

    With 24 years of experience operating one of the largest self-help franchises , he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

    Dr. Porter has personally trained, instructed, or certified over 35,000 people in Psycho-Linguistics and Neuro-Linguistics and CVR (Creative Visualization and Relaxation). I was one of the many to have the honor of being trained by Dr. Porter.

    Dr. Porter is my mentor and an expert in mind technology. I am thrilled that Dr. Porter now has a website dedicated to helping others achieve their personal goals. The site is called Porter Vision.

    Within in his site you can find products and a series of programs allowing you to read your full potential.

    Check out some of the programs Porter Vision has to offer:

    Accelerated Learning Series
    Catalog & Free Downloads
    Freedom from Addiction Series
    Golf Mental Coaching Series
    Smoking Cessation
    Weight Loss Program

    These are just a few of many programs Porter Vision has to offer. I have worked with the knowledge and resources that Dr. Patrick K. Porter has taught me throughout the years. They have made a personal change in my life and in hundreds of clients I work with.

    Take a look at Porter Vision for yourself and see what it has to offer you.

  • Patrick K. Porters Relaxation Stress Reduction Program

    As you already know stress can do a number on your mind and body. In fact according to the American Physiological Association 2005 Facts on Stress:

    43% of Adults suffer adverse effects from stress

    Over 66% of all doctors visits to family doctor are for stress related symptoms.

    64% American Adults are looking for ways to reduce stress

    Stress has been directly linked to six leading causes of death. Heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.

    Are you having trouble dealing with your stress? No matter what you try, do you still feel it?

    There are many ways to deal with stress, but the one way that I have always felt massive relief from was mind technology or hypnosis.

    As a hypnotist, I have seen the results of stress reduction often. My mentor Dr. Patrick Porter has now developed a stress free program you can get online.

    For those of you who do not know Dr. Porter, he is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. With 24 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

    Some of the benefits of Dr. Porters Stress Free Program are becoming more productive; feeling calmer, improve your sense of well-being and much more.

    With Dr. Porters Program you get 5 audios:

    Experience Dreamtime and
    Achieve Your Goals
    Putting Future Events Into Perspective
    Reducing Uncertainty And Doubt
    Eliminate Negative Thinking
    Making Peace With Your Past

    You also get an Insomnia Bonus:
    Sleep Deep and Awaken Recharged

    You get it all at a 50 percent savings! Simply go to Patrick K. Porters Stress Reduction Program site and review it for yourself.