Tag: ocean robbins food revolutions summit

  • Food Revolution Summit

    food revolution summitThe John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 is coming up soon and in preparation for it there are a few quizzes you can take.  While these are not necessary we think they are worth taking because not only do they prep you for the summit but they test your knowledge about how much you know about the food you and your family eats.

    GMO Online Quiz

    While no one wants to spend their days focusing on the negative that still does not mean one should not be educated.  If you are desiring to change your life and your thoughts or body are in the way becoming aware of genetically modified organisms as well as the food you buy can help.  This quiz only takes a minute and measures your GMO IQ, we were quite surprised to find out how wrong we were about some things.  The GMO quiz only takes about a minute and was created by John and Ocean and after you take you get an invite to the Food Revolution summit.

    Is Your Food Aging You Quiz?

    This fun quiz was developed John and Ocean Robbins as well, both of them have written about the relationship between food and aging. It you have ever looked at either of them they look quite young and John is nearly 70.  Now if you are like most people if your looks are going down you make think it is all genetics, but it turns out it has a more to do and don’t eat.  This is another chance to get some wonderful education on how what you eat affects your ability to look and feel and how your current eating habits are working for or against you.

    The Food Revolution Summit 2016

    Now to the big event, this is the 5th annual summit and during the event you get to hear John Robbins interviewing many extraordinary speakers such as

    • Christiane Northrup MD
    • Mark Hyman, MD
    • Joel Fuhrman, MD
    • Jane Goodall Ph.D
    • David Perlmutter, MD
    • Vani Hari
    • Plus many more

    You will be educated on pesticides, hormones, GMOs, chemical concoctions, factory farms and more and although this may sound scary you will also learn practical information that helps you with current issues.  Now most know that sugar effects the mind and body but other foods you eat cause or exacerbate things like:

    • Poor sleep
    • Anxiety and Stress
    • Depression
    • Your ability to lose and gain weight
    • Your memory
    • And more

    You will also discover some amazing things like:

    • How to prevent cancer with mushrooms
    • The healthful Quality of nuts
    • The 100% organic state
    • Healthy food at lower prices
    • Plus more

    Now we must be honest in the past we were not interested too much in the truth about food, we ate healthy and thought was enough. However after learning more about the foods that are available it has become a most interesting and beneficial subject.  To learn how to improve your health of yourself and love ones check out the John and Ocean Robbins Food Revolution Summit 2016 here.