Tag: neuro linguistics

  • Porter Vision

    Patrick K. Porter, PhD is an award-winning author, consultant, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker.

    With 24 years of experience operating one of the largest self-help franchises , he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry.

    Dr. Porter has personally trained, instructed, or certified over 35,000 people in Psycho-Linguistics and Neuro-Linguistics and CVR (Creative Visualization and Relaxation). I was one of the many to have the honor of being trained by Dr. Porter.

    Dr. Porter is my mentor and an expert in mind technology. I am thrilled that Dr. Porter now has a website dedicated to helping others achieve their personal goals. The site is called Porter Vision.

    Within in his site you can find products and a series of programs allowing you to read your full potential.

    Check out some of the programs Porter Vision has to offer:

    Accelerated Learning Series
    Catalog & Free Downloads
    Freedom from Addiction Series
    Golf Mental Coaching Series
    Smoking Cessation
    Weight Loss Program

    These are just a few of many programs Porter Vision has to offer. I have worked with the knowledge and resources that Dr. Patrick K. Porter has taught me throughout the years. They have made a personal change in my life and in hundreds of clients I work with.

    Take a look at Porter Vision for yourself and see what it has to offer you.

  • Reframing Your Thoughts

    A great way to improve your thoughts and bring them into a positive light is through reframing. Reframing is a technique in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) where an undesirable behavior or trait is conferred a positive intention.

    A very brief explanation of NLP is any psychotherapy which uses a voice message that is intended to condition the conscious or unconscious mind.

    Now, back to reframing. When you reframe a thought you change the words or meaning to create a different point of view.

    You have established beliefs that have been constructed throughout your life. You were taught them by your parents, mentors, etc all I am sure with positive intent in mind. However, those beliefs today may no longer suit you or your desires for your life experience.

    Individuals may find themselves stuck in the beliefs of the past, which make it difficult to change current behaviors or thoughts.

    You can reframe your thoughts without the aid of a professional. However, as a hypnotist, even I need help reframing at times.

    To reframe a thought, you should pay close attention to your conscious when making a decision. When you arrive to a conclusion, evaluate how you got there. Was it because you always have thought that way or that is the way the majority thinks? Or was it a thought that you would never have had it the past?

    An example of a good reframe is a story that someone is telling you. As you are hearing that story you may come up with a number of different ways that you think it may end. In fact, you may be so anxious to get to the end you may try and complete the story with all the things you have imagined. When the story ends with a conclusion you never thought of, you have been reframed. The conclusion completely changed your preconceived notions to a new way of thinking.

    From the example above, imagine all the different ways you could have come to a conclusion. Even if these conclusions don’t make sense to you now, imagination provides a good tool to reframe your thoughts.

    If you use your imagination while making decision and come up with a positive choice you would not have made before, Congratulations you have just experienced a reframe. Now that you have a better idea of reframing your thoughts is, you can now use it with all decisions and see how positive the results may become.