Tag: national tell a story day 2016

  • National Tell a Story Day

    April 27 is National Tell a Story Day this day was created to share stories whether it be fictional, nonfiction, a life memory, or even a tale you imagined. We are unsure how this day originated and no matter how to choose to celebrate we suggest you use this day to change your own story.  By taking the time to rewrite your life story you open your mind and life to endless possibilities.

    national tell a story day

    How to Celebrate National Tell a Story Day

    As mentioned above you can celebrate with any story you like, however we would like to point out the benefits changing your life story and claiming it.  Most people struggle with past, with letting go of memories or issues that keep coming back to haunt them.  These memories or beliefs affect your current state whether it is finances, health, relationships and so on, by shifting your story on paper and aloud you will begin to view things much differently and things that you desire in life will simply show up.  These may be subtle at first but the more you read that story and tell it the quicker these things will manifest in your life.

    How to Change Your Life Story

    To recreate your life story we first look at what you are telling yourself and what issues in your life trigger negative or unpleasant emotions.  For example:

    • Did you have an unpleasant childhood and these memories keep bubbling up in your life?
    • Were you abandoned or rejected at some point and now find yourself needing others around constantly?
    • Were you’re brought up poor and find yourself with “not enough” today?
    • Are your suffering from health issues that plague your daily life?

    By simply taking the examples above or your own thoughts and beliefs and changing them completely on paper you make your first shift. Now some say that is not reality, but take a look at your life now can you see any circumstances in your life that you have created? Here is an example:

    “As a child to get out of school or anything else you did not want to do you had to be ill, so you did whatever you could to pretend you were sick.  Are you sick today?  Do you have an illness?  If you spent years trying to get out of things pretending you were sick it would certainly explain why you may be sick today.”

    Take your life past present and future and write it down as you would like it to be:

    “I had a wonderful childhood, my parents were loving and attentive, we always had what we needed, and I felt secure. Going to school was a wonderful experience everyone was so kind to me, I learned so much and made positive lifelong friends.  I now have the career I love and always make enough money, I am surrounded by positive encouraging people and have the mate of my dreams.  My income will double by next year and we are taking my dream vacation as well as purchasing a new home with cash.”

    If you can recall as a child your imagination was endless, you never questioned as much as you do now.  As we grow older we do not lose that imagination we just focus so much on what we believe to be reality that we stop using that dream imagination that was so magical. On National Tell a Story Day recreate your life story and tell to someone you love and don’t let it end today, keep adding to it, make your dream life into a book, you may be surprised at what happens in your life!