Tag: mindvalley masterclass

  • Embrace Your Energy Body with Jeffrey Allen

    Embrace Your Energy Body with Jeffrey AllenEmbrace Your Energy Body with Jeffrey Allen is a complimentary masterclass. During it you will learn about Duality and how to influence your reality through your energy body.

    Have you ever wondered why you still find it challenging to reach your fullest potential?

    Renowned energy worker and healer Jeffrey Allen believes that the answer lies in our narrow focus. Our focus on transforming ourselves solely in the physical realm, often overlooking the spiritual dimension.


    According to Jeffrey, this spiritual aspect is our energy body. This is a crucial element we must embrace to experience a profound shift in our lives.

    During this event, Jeffrey shares valuable insights on how working with your energy body. He shares how you can unlock intuition, manifest synchronicities, and align your physical reality with your deepest intentions.

    Embrace Your Energy Body with Jeffrey Allen

    In the fast-paced world we live in, we tend to neglect the spiritual essence that coexists with our physical existence. Reflecting on the quote, “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body,” we are reminded of our dualistic nature.

    While we focus on our physical appearance, fitness routines, self-care practices, and nutrition, we often overlook the tools and practices required to nurture our spiritual selves.

    By attending this on demand event you can learn how to integrate energy healing into your body. Plus, discover how to harness energy methods to sharpen your mind,ando deepen your connection to others.

    Unleashing the Power Within: Energy-Based Tools

    In Jeffrey Allen’s Masterclass, you will gain access to four  energy-based tools crafted by one of the world’s foremost trainers in applied spirituality. These tools possess the potential to awaken extraordinary abilities within you, propelling you towards your ultimate potential:

    1. Accelerated Healing: Discover the art of healing your body and emotions at an accelerated pace by tapping into the power of energy.
    2. Heightened Intuition: Cultivate a profound connection with your intuition, enabling you to receive guidance and clarity when faced with challenges or uncertainty.
    3. Precise Manifestation: Unlock the precision of energy manifestation, allowing you to manifest only the desired outcomes into your physical reality.
    4. Sensing Your Energy: Through Jeffrey’s guidance, you will learn how to tangibly feel and work with your energy, transforming it into a palpable force in your daily life.


    Embracing the Energy Body: A Path to Transformation

    Also, Jeffrey will shares that the root cause of some struggles is because we neglect the spiritual dimension within us.

    By  embracing and working with your energy body, you can transcend the barriers of struggle . By harnessing your energy you can transform your life into one of ease, alignment, and fulfillment. This is the key to unlocking your full potential and aligning your physical world with your deepest desires and goals.

    Embrace Your Energy Body with Jeffrey Allen

    By attending the masterclass you will discover how to deepen your connection with your energy, remove blocks, access your intuition, and gain profound clarity in areas where you may feel stuck.

    This class is a must-watch for anyone seeking personal transformation, growth, and spiritual expansion.

    Join Jeffrey Allen’s Energy Body Masterclass and embark on a transformative path towards clarity, healing, manifestation, and spiritual growth.

    This is your moment to seize the opportunity and step into a life filled with alignment, ease, and the fulfillment of your true potential.



  • Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar RaoAfter attending the Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao Masterclass, I felt compelled to leave a review. The title of the class was Developing Extreme Resilience.  In this review I will cover the class as well as a bit about the course.

    Who is Srikumar Rao?

    Professor Srikumar Rao is quite well known for his creativity and personal mastery course.  This course is so popular there is actually a set of steps individuals have to go through to get in, not to mention be on at least a year long waiting list. This is not the case for the Mindvalley Masterclass however which is free.

    One amazing this about him is that one of his speeches on finding happiness made it onto Ted.com.  It was a non-Ted speech and he is one of only seven people who has had a speech featured. Rao is also   one of the most popular MBA lecturers in America.

    Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao

    This course is not confined to just Resilience.  It is a 45 day course that takes place on the Mindvalley Quest platform. This course uses micro-learning, so instead of spending hours a day you spend minutes.  It has been shown that this technique of learning allows individuals to absorb and retain much more.

    This program covers areas such as:

    • Releasing Disempowering Thoughts
    • Unstoppable Tenacity
    • Get The Lifestyle You Desire
    • Scaling Your Energy
    • Attract Even More Abundance
    • Plus much more

    This are not just lectures but techniques and practices and you’ll be guided weekly for 7 weeks to create a life where unexpected good fortune- and a miracle or two-is a regular occurrence for you.

    Developing Extreme Resilience Masterclass

    As mentioned above I felt compelled to write about the class itself because I believe it is for everyone.  At one point or another we will face stress, hardship and so on.  This class shows you five different ways you can bounce back.

    The areas covered during the Masterclass are

    • Good thing Bad Thing?
    • Benevolent Universe
    • Investing in the Process
    • Be Grateful
    • Reframing

    Srikumar Rao goes through each of these topics explaining how you can develop extreme resilience in any circumstance.  These 5 hacks can apply to any or all areas of strife if you put it into practice.

    Why Attend?

    While I enjoy most of Mindvalley’s trainings this one stuck out.  Not only because people struggle is everyday but because of the way the world now. People are becoming more and more upset and stress with the state of our world.

    You can apply each of the techniques taught during the training to your personal issues as well as your stresses and worries that are outside your control.  All too often we take the many things out of our control and internalize them.  With this strategies you can address your current state as well as whether comes up in the future.

    The Quest for Personal Mastery with Srikumar Rao is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  To learn more you can attend Developing Extreme Resilience at no charge.

  • Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    eric edmeades evolution of health and fitnessThe Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness Mindvalley masterclass will give you a good Wildfit program review.  In this article we will cover why you may want to attend this event even if you are not looking for any fitness or health changes.

    Eric Edmeades Wildfit creator came upon this program by his personal experience. He had been ill and fixed all of his issues in quickly in fact in one month. Suspend your disbelief on this one even though it sounds too good to be true.

    Eric actually teaches during this webcast about wild human diet which we are naturally designed for. Now before you run away with the word diet, please keep reading. This is for everyone whether you want better health, want to lose weight or tone your muscles all without exercise.


    A little more about him for those who want to know. He is an entrepreneur, architect, and author. His depth of research into the Human Diet led him to develop the Wildfit challenge.

    Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness

    This event in itself will teach you many things you can put into practice immediately. Of course you will also learn about his Wildfit challenge.  By attending you will learn that this is not a new fad diet.  It’s a true rediscovery of our roots.
    If you decide to try his method you can add extra years to your life .  You will learn how to improve your energy. Strengthen your muscles and change your body shape without exercise, calorie counting or hunger. How is this done?  It is all about altering your relationship with food.

    Wildfit Diet Review

    The human diet Eric shares with you is one that will restore our health, our vitality and our natural lifespan. No matter where you are in terms of health and fitness.

    By attending you will learn:

    • 5 simple hacks
    • What you can do right now to end bad health or lack of vitality
    • Learn about The 6 Human Hungers
    • How to attain a complete body transformation
    • Learn about what we eat and the science behind it
      Uncover shocking revelations about the various diet programs
    • Why the word “diet” is actually making us crave more food and stay unhealthy
    • the Ultimate Human Diet that eliminates obesity
    • Learn about the biological factor that works against most people’s willpower to force people to not eat healthy even though they clearly know they should.
    • learn why a healthy body has nothing to do with exercise
    • Plus much more

    The Wildfit Chanllenge Eric Edmeades

    Eric discovered all of this as a result of years of research on nutritional anthropology, evolutionary biology and the original hunter-gatherer society of the Hadza Bushmen in Tanzania. During this event you will see why mankind originally was a really healthy, strong and vibrant species. This part alone is very interesting.

    No matter where you are, your health is number one, and the Eric Edmeades Evolution of Health and Fitness is one event everyone will benefit from. You will gain much knowledge and learn about the Wildfit challenge. Having struggled with illness and having to find the right “diet” I highly recommend this event.

  • The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    The M Word Meditation The M Word Meditation  Emily Fletcher event is free.  For a limited time you can attend this Mindvalley Masterclass to learn Meditation for Super Performance. Whether you are currently practicing or new to this Emily explains things in an easy to understand way.

    We have covered meditation before because it is so beneficial. You have probably heard by now the benefits of meditation but may be running into issues. There are many problems people have when comes to this practice. Not enough time to do it. Not being able to reach a relaxed threshold. Or even boredom


    If you fall into any of those categories or want to learn how to meditate in the most effective way then you may want to take a listen to Emily. The full title of this masterclass is How to Level Up Your Meditation to Become a Superstar at Work & Life.  Although this event is only 90 minutes long it is packed with useful information.

    The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    During M Your Way to the top you will learn many things such as:

    • The myths about meditation such as focus
    • Learn the truth about how to clear your mind for full benefits
    • Discover the truth about breathing during your practice
    • 3 special things about meditation that you may not be aware of that increase the richness of your life

    Emily Fletcher at one point was not an instructor.  She worked on Broadway doing many shows night after night.  These took a toll on her and she often felt she was going to have a breakdown.  Then she discovered meditation.  She stopped everything she was doing and went to India to study the practice.

    M Your Way to the Top

    During The M-Word Emily Fletcher event she doesn’t just teach you how to meditate. You actually are taught how to use meditation to get better at life. If you ever wished it was fun to meditate or wished it added more hours to your day instead of taking from it then this is one event not to be missed.

    Meditation is no longer just a tool for spirituality. Meditation can help you achieve amazing things. Not only the health benefits and inner peace (although those are wonderful) but much more.  During the event Emily will go into the other numerous ways that embracing this practice can change your life.

    Not only the practice but her techniques.  The way she turns what seems to be for many a time sucker into something you enjoy each day. By you will also get to learn about The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher course.  This a 33-day journey to instill a meditation framework into your life.  A new approach to this beneficial practice that’s fresh and fun.  Find out more about Meditation for Super Performance HERE.

  • LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher

    LifeBook Challenge Jon ButcherThe LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher Mindvalley Masterclass is here.  This event is wonderful for the new year. Butcher will show you 5 models of reality to achieve wealth, career, love relationships and  health.  If you have been in place in life where you feel you may have tried everything, this is a different type of event.

    Jon Butcher radically shifted his entire life.  While some programs and events we cover focus on one area. This event shows how Butcher shifted every area of his life.  During this Mindvalley Masterclass which is complimentary, he will be sharing with you a wealth of information that you ca put into practice to achieve what your own personal success.

    We cover quite a bit about Mindvalley Academy and for good reason.  The actual events themselves are packed with tons of quality content.  This event will be no different.  Mindvalley is one of the top personal growth companies around. They only have a few classes a month. They do this so each class is high quality and will greatly benefit the listener.

    LifeBook  Challenge Jon Butcher Masterclass

    Jon Butcher Precious Moments Inc chariman of the board has s created extraordinary success, happiness and fulfillment in all 12 areas of his life. And in the Masterclass, he’s going to reveal his LifeBook system that he used to create all of that.

    You will learn:

    • 12 categories of LifeBook
    • How to avoid setting goals because of the emotions that achieving these goals give us and set them so they actually work.
    • Learn how everything you have been taught about goal setting maybe wrong and how you can shift your perspective to a new way to achieve your dreams.
    • Plus much more

    12 Dimensions of Mastery

    You will also learn about the Lifebook 30-Day Challenge. This program is one you can start right at the beginning of the new year. For 30 days, Jon Butcher guide you on a specific idea, to install a particular model of reality or a system of living .At the end of 30-days, you’ll have a single compelling vision of your life.
    Jon Butcher will guide you through 12 Life Categories one by one. Through a mix of content and deep self-reflection, you’ll define exactly what you want in every important area of your life, why you want it and what you need to do to achieve it. You will be doing all of this together with a community of like-minded individuals in the Jon Butcher LIfeBook Lounge.

    This along with few of other free New Year New You webinars will empower you for permanent change.  Now if you have heard this before and believe you have tried everything just attend the free LifeBook Challenge Jon Butcher Mindvalley Masterclass. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.