Tag: mindvalley academy review

  • Mindvalley Academy Masterclass

    becoming limitless vishen Lakhiani

    There is a new Mindvalley Academy Masterclass coming up entitled Becoming Limitless with Vishen Lakhiani. This event is complimentary and online and the full title of it is Becoming Limitless: How To Merge With Your Highest Self & Live A Mission-Oriented Life. If you are someone who is interested in learning about how to release the chains that bind you are simply want a change this event is one you may want to attend.

    Vishen Lakhiani is a mentor, teacher, and the founder of the Mindvalley Academy, he is considered one of the most inspirational and mission driven individuals around. When it comes to how to live a mission-oriented life or how to know and live your true purpose there is no better teacher then Vishen. During the how to become limitless event he is teaching from his own personal journey of growth, not some idea that just popped into his head. He has been on a path of personal development and evolution for years and is going to share how you can begin to have deep shifts in your models of reality.

    We personally love each Mindvalley Academy Masterclass, while we do not write about each and every one, when one that is taught by Lakhiani we feel the desire to share. How to become limitless in real life is not a myth or some idea that people can just cling to, it can and does happen, and during this event you will learn specific techniques that will allow you to connect with the higher parts of yourself, and receive guidance from Vishen on what is really important to you. Also in this Masterclass he’ll teach you:

    • A framework that will allow you to accelerate your spirituality.
    • How to know what your highest calling is, by using your intuition
    • By learning to use your intuition you will discover that it will always keep you pointing in the right direction.
    • You will learn How to identify your personal consciousness level and how you can use that information to move forward
    • How to release yourself from restrictive ideas and thought and instead learn to create your own reality and make your own rules.
    • Plus Much More

    If you are a fan or have heard of the Vishen Lakhani 6 phase meditation you will be excited to hear that during this Mindvalley Academy course webinar he will be teach you two very special techniques. The first is a daily practice that removes negativity from your system, by releasing this negative energy it creates in you a sense of calmness, creativity, and or limitlessly powerful. The second is a rare mental technique that enables you to get rid of the ego and merge your consciousness with reality itself. These practices will be explained by Vishen in detail so you can use them right away, and by learning from this event you will discover that his methods do work and are a big part of the reason he is so successful today.

    To learn more about the Mindvalley Academy Masterclass Becoming Limitless Vishen Lakhiani training webinar you can register HERE