Tag: meditation for super performance

  • The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    The M Word Meditation The M Word Meditation  Emily Fletcher event is free.  For a limited time you can attend this Mindvalley Masterclass to learn Meditation for Super Performance. Whether you are currently practicing or new to this Emily explains things in an easy to understand way.

    We have covered meditation before because it is so beneficial. You have probably heard by now the benefits of meditation but may be running into issues. There are many problems people have when comes to this practice. Not enough time to do it. Not being able to reach a relaxed threshold. Or even boredom


    If you fall into any of those categories or want to learn how to meditate in the most effective way then you may want to take a listen to Emily. The full title of this masterclass is How to Level Up Your Meditation to Become a Superstar at Work & Life.  Although this event is only 90 minutes long it is packed with useful information.

    The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher

    During M Your Way to the top you will learn many things such as:

    • The myths about meditation such as focus
    • Learn the truth about how to clear your mind for full benefits
    • Discover the truth about breathing during your practice
    • 3 special things about meditation that you may not be aware of that increase the richness of your life

    Emily Fletcher at one point was not an instructor.  She worked on Broadway doing many shows night after night.  These took a toll on her and she often felt she was going to have a breakdown.  Then she discovered meditation.  She stopped everything she was doing and went to India to study the practice.

    M Your Way to the Top

    During The M-Word Emily Fletcher event she doesn’t just teach you how to meditate. You actually are taught how to use meditation to get better at life. If you ever wished it was fun to meditate or wished it added more hours to your day instead of taking from it then this is one event not to be missed.

    Meditation is no longer just a tool for spirituality. Meditation can help you achieve amazing things. Not only the health benefits and inner peace (although those are wonderful) but much more.  During the event Emily will go into the other numerous ways that embracing this practice can change your life.

    Not only the practice but her techniques.  The way she turns what seems to be for many a time sucker into something you enjoy each day. By you will also get to learn about The M Word Meditation Emily Fletcher course.  This a 33-day journey to instill a meditation framework into your life.  A new approach to this beneficial practice that’s fresh and fun.  Find out more about Meditation for Super Performance HERE.