Tag: mastering the art of lucid dreaming

  • Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    andrew holcek lucid dreamingThe Andrew Holecek lucid dreaming training is called Exploring Lucid Dreaming. During This event you will learn about Dream Sculpting. Whether you dream this way  or have no idea how to do it this event is sure to give you some great tips.

    Some think of Lucid Dreaming as an “out there” thing. H owever there are many people that do it naturally.  What you may not know is that having this skill can greatly help you in waking life.  Americans currently sleep 6.8 hours on average at night according to a Gallup study. This is  hours a year or many years for a person living up to the age of 75. The opportunity for growth  during this missed hours is tremendous.

    Mindvalley Academy has a training called a Masterclass twice a month they help thousands with key element of their full potential. This new class will introduce you to dream sculpting which can result in you having real, quality lucid dreams every night. World-famous Lucid Dreaming teacher, Andrew Holecek will share with you  an excellent opportunity to work out situations and issues in your daily life.

    Andrew Holecek Lucid Dreaming

    This Dream Sculpting review training will show you the Benefits by turning your sleep into a powerful tool. Have you ever noticed in your dreams that you are not who you are in waking life?  You may be healthier or happier and so on?

    This is because when in the dream state, your reality is who you really are with no limitations.  By noticing this and learning the secrets of lucid dream you open yourself up to a new, powerful experience.

    Your dream state is a higher level that consists of a different vibration. Lucid dreamers are also able to harness their intuition better because, during the dreams, the conscious mind is not in the way.  Intuition is all there is and with this you can get answers you need. Also in the dream state you creativity is at full capacity, when you learn the secrets to lucid dreaming you can tap into this creativity.

    Dream Sculpting – Mastering the Art of Lucid Dreaming

    This Andrew Holecek  Lucid dreaming journey will show you a program based on modern science and Eastern Buddhist traditions. You will learn the fundamentals as well as advanced techniques. You get acquainted with a wide variety of simple yet effective lucid dreaming practices . As well as  induction techniques that cut down your learning curve and gives you results much quicker.

    To learn more about this Mindvalley Lucid Dreaming Masterclass or to attend you can go to the main website.
