Tag: marooned without a compass day

  • Marooned Without a Compass Day

    Marooned Without a Compass Day

    November 6th is Marooned Without a Compass Day we were unable to find the origin of this day, while it could me you are literally stuck somewhere and you need to learn your directions, or what would you do if you landed somewhere without a compass, we have decide to use this day as personal growth day. Are you feeling lost, do you desire more guidance, do you feel you need someone or something but are unsure what it is, and so on.

    It is not uncommon to feel lost unsure of which way to go in life whether it be in career, relationships, money, health decisions etc. When you are stuck in a rut or situation that is less than what you desire you can feel like you are marooned without a compass. What can one do to overcome this and change your life? With most issues there are many choices one could make to put themselves back on track. Sometimes there are so many options to choose from it can leave someone feeling overwhelmed. Other times people cannot see the choices they do have to start finding their way again, whether it be because of despair or lack of guidance these different options do not seem readily apparent.

    So here are some ideas of how to celebrate marooned without a compass day:

    1. Create a lost list- now this may sound quite opposite of what we usually talk about on this blog, but if you create this list you have the many issues right in front you and they are solid, and identified.   Take this list and write the desired opposite of what you are feeling lost about, for example “I don’t know which path to choose with my relationship” and the desired opposite would be “I am in the perfect relationship that is emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy.” After you have done the desired opposite destroy the lost list.
    2. Make a gratitude list, People may get tired of hearing this one but it works. Many times when we feel lost we lose sight of whatever we may have, by making a gratitude list you visually see that you do have quite a bit. If you are someone who has trouble even thinking what should I be grateful for, start small. “I am grateful my heart works”, “I am grateful I got to eat today”, I am grateful that I have a computer and internet access that I can be reading this post” 🙂
    3. Identify what you want for your present and future, not just “yes I would like that” but what you desire down to last detail. For example “I desire a beautiful home in Hawaii, that I have no trouble affording.” Along with this statement write everything you would want in that home for example a pool, a sunroom, etc.
    4. Talk with a friend, so many times we hear that people do not want to burden someone, or do not trust anyone to share these types of thoughts. Talking to a friend or anyone can really help because when you are stuck in the emotional muck, they are not, therefore they may see things much clearer than you do.

    Now we may be wrong on this day and it may actually be about a compass, so it probably would not hurt to make sure you have one :-). However if we are right On National Marooned without a compass day you do not have to stay where you are at in life, you can choose to take this day and make it the day that you change your thoughts and change your life. Feeling alone and wondering which way to go is no way to live and although if may take more effort form some than others, change can happen. Make Marooned without a compass day your day to break free from the ties that bind you. What is your play on how to celebrate Marooned without a compass day?