Tag: manifesting

  • Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

    Discover the Next Level of Energy MedicineDiscover the Next Level of Energy Medicine is with Sue Morter. During it you will Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance and Power to Manifest.


    Have you ever pondered the remarkable notion of creating your life experience moment by moment? Actually creating untethered from the confines of your mind’s stories?

    During this event you will go into these realms where the origins of emotional and physical challenges lie. 

    These tribulations often arise from veiled obstructions nestled within your body’s intricate energy field. Luckily you possess the innate capacity to dissolve these subliminal and energetic barricades. You have the ability to clear the path to boundless health, achievements, and manifestation.

    Dr. Sue Morter, whose world-renowned Energy Code teachings open doors to healing and  power to co-create every facet of your existence.

    Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

    During this even you will go into this captivating realm lies the elusive link that unlocks greater health and vitality in your existence.

    Dr. Sue Morter beckons you to uncover this missing piece as you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

    By identifying and dismantling the hidden barriers that impede your ability to manifest, you create new neural circuitry that paves the way for unbounded possibilities.

    Breathing Techniques: A Symphony of Release and Transformation

    You will experience  transformative power of conscious breathing techniques.

    Dr. Sue Morter  shares secrets of these sacred breathwork practices. You’ll witness the remarkable shift from the instinctual “fight or flight” response to a state of empowered healing.

    Through the wisdom of your breath, you can attune yourself to a higher vibrational frequency, unlocking the gateway to your intuitive guidance.


    Peering Beyond the Veil when You Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

    She will help you peel back the layers of conventional health approaches and venture into the depths of Energy Medicine.

    You will be exploring the energetic underpinnings of your well-being by going within. Here lies the key to genuine transformation, as you address theenergetic causes that underlie your  issues.

    By delving beyond mere symptoms and embracing healing, you shift your life to one of of rejuvenation that encompasses every facet of your being.

    Unleashing the Creative Brilliance of Your Mind

    By embracing the knowledge of this event you can reak free from the constraints of time and witness your mind in action.

    Morter  will guide you on a  journey as you awaken the dormant creatorship capacity within your brain. Through  energy, you can expand your consciousness. Plus, it allows you to embrace the limitless expanse of manifestation.

    Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine

    Dr. Sue Morter’s unparalleled Energy Code teachings beckon you to embrace the untamed forces of unparalleled self-realization.

    Step into the wondrous realm of the virtual event, “Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine,” and embark on a voyage of self-discovery and empowerment.

    As you dismantle the hidden blocks within your energy circuitry, your inner healer awakens. Also, your intuitive guidance strengthens, and your power to manifest reaches astonishing heights.

    As You reach the full magnitude of your energetic essence, you find the gateway to an existence  with profound empowerment.

    Seize this extraordinary opportunity and take the first step toward a life filled with the relentless pursuit of your wildest dreams.




  • Mind Movies Matrix Review

    Click to Learn the Unexpected Secret To Success in a Shocking Video
    For those of you who may wonder what the Mind Movies Matrix is I am going to right just a little review so you can see if it is something for you. However, if you are having trouble manifesting your desires it is definitely something you are going to want to take a peek at.

    If you want to skip the review and go to the free video go here

    Mind Movies Matrix is like a virtual dream board and if dream or wish boards have not worked for you in the past this may help.  Mind Movies created by Ryan Higgins itself was created because everyone knows it is difficult enough to control the mind sometimes so with a movie is would be much easier.

    People watch movies all the time and can get deeply involved in them, even imagine and feel what it is like for the characters, the matrix works with the same ideas in mind.

    The Mind Movie Matrix has engineered movies and also involves brain entrainment, wonderful music, and subliminal messages. All put together to help you reach your dreams even faster than you are now, or for anyone who has not.

    If you can imagine your dreams in the slightest on your own, imagine actually watching your dreams.  People have a tendency to be visual and that is why this works so well.  If the matrix is not right for you perhaps the movies will be.

    If you are having trouble manifesting money, manifesting love, abundance, or your desires you should check out the free video that gives you more of an idea of what the Mind Movies matrix has to offer.  It takes a little time, it is free, and it allows you to make sure if it right for you.


  • Sometimes Your Brain Doesn’t Work 🙂

    brain dead

    When you want to attract things in your life, you have to direct your thoughts in the direction of what those desires are.

    At times it may feel as if your brain is not up to par, you could perhaps be tired, or just thoughtless.  This can be a dangerous thing if you are trying to attract the right things in your life.

    Indifference to things is worse then hate, sadness, or any negative emotion.  You are in a state of not caring and wandering thoughts.  How are you going to attract the things you want if you couldn’t care less about anything?  You won’t!

    There are some ways to generate what you want into your life even in times where your feelings are gone.  These require effort in positive manner to achieve your thoughts for creation.

    This task of changing you mind from indifference to positively active should not be considered a chore.  It has to be a welcome acceptance of self-improvement and excitement. The task itself is simple if you do not view it as something you “have” to do.

    In order to shift your mind from indifference to positive thoughts you must evoke emotion.  In the beginning it does not matter whether it is positive or negative emotion, as long as you are feeling something.

    We prefer positive emotion, however if you evoke negative emotions, you may always acknowledge the fact that they are not what you want and shift them over to what you do want.

    To evoke these emotions pick a memory or a future goal, how does it make you feel and if so how?  Once you find one that evokes strong emotion focus on the thought and the feeling associated with it.

    If it is positive stick with it, hold on to it and think about it.  This is the quickest way to bring your mind back into alignment with what you want.

    If it is a negative emotion or thought, pick what is negative about it and shift it to the positive and focus on that.

    By evoking any emotion at all you can pull yourself out of indifference and into a thought pattern that can bring about your wildest desires.