Tag: live like dying

  • Live Like It’s Your Last Day

    Many people get caught up in the day to day tasks that need to be done.  We get sucked into what may happen in the future or what has happened in the past.  I am no exception to this, many times throughout each day I get caught up in tasks, the past or present.

    Often I have to remind myself that if this was my last day on earth, would I spend it doing what I’m doing or thinking about what I’m thinking about.  Most of the time, the answer to these questions is no.

    While some things cannot be avoided such as work or home tasks, there is a different perspective we can put on these tasks to make them better.  For example, start sharing the tasks with someone you love or think about if this was the last time you did this task how would you like to set an example.

    Putting a simple spin on the mundane tasks of the day can really change your level of enjoyment of them.  If it were your last day on earth, my guess is that you would want to be enjoying it.

    By living each day as if it were your last you will find yourself shifting your behaviors and thoughts.  You will begin to embrace what you once found tedious.  You may begin to see more special qualities in people you found flaws in.

    This shift in perspective can change your entire life.  If each day was your last, what would you want to be doing and with whom would you want to be doing it with.  As I said, some tasks need to be done, but with this shift in perspective you will find that you will begin to value everything and everyone more.