Tag: life visioning workshop

  • Life Visioning Process with Michael Bernard Beckwith

    life visioning processThe Life Visioning Process by Michael Beckwith is a way to see your life the way to want it to be.  Not just see it but manifest it.  You can learn the Life Visioning Process in an upcoming Mindvalley Masterclass entitled Discover your Life Purpose.

    Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith went from a dire situation to a life of his own creation.  While this may sound out there went put into practice anyone can have what they want in life.  It does not matter where you are today in regards to finances, health etc.  You can move beyond it and mold your life to a better place.

    This is not to say that things in life that are negative do not happen. Of course they do.  It is also not to say that no matter what you can change the worst of the worst.  Life is a journey and there will be events that come that you may not like.  By learning the Life Visioning exercise you can move to a place where life is for you and not against you.

    Life Visioning Workshop

    This Mindvalley Academy Masterclass is free of charge. You can attend it right online.  Michael Beckwith will cover many things during this one hour webcast.  If you are in a place where you are not content or want more in certain areas of life you won’t want to miss what he has to say.

    Four Stages of Spiritual Development

    During Discovering Your Life purpose you will learn about these 4 stages.  It is critical for you to not only understand what these are but also learn how to use them.  By doing so you will have greater clarity and be able to move forward much quicker.

    Eight Life Structures

    Michael Beckwith will also share with you the Eight Life Structures. These create your life and your experiences.  By knowing these you can identify what areas of life need your attention to improve your experiences.

    Life Visioning Meditation

    You will get the privilege of participating in a Michael Beckwith mediation and prayer. This will move you beyond just this dimension of life.  It will also give you a change to fully love yourself.

    What is the Life Visioning Process?

    During this event you will learn how the universe is not your enemy but is there to lovingly guide you.  You will learn how to fine tune your soul and ascend to new heights of understanding. Most importantly, you will learn what this technique actually is and how it works.

    As we always say gaining knowledge, practices and techniques at no charge it a must.  You can take all the information giving to you and recreate you vision of life.  When you attend you no longer have to rely of reviews but know exactly what the method is. From there you can make the decision of if it is right for you.

    There will be ups and downs, goods and bads.  But when you learn different techniques and views your mind opens up to a new understanding.  This understanding makes the good, the bad, and the ugly easier and you can move through with flow verses resistance.

    To learn more about the Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Process Mindvalley Masterclass you can to go to this website.