Tag: learning strategies

  • Paul Scheele Seminar – Super Powers Super You

    super powers super you festThere is a Paul Scheele Seminar entitled Super Powers Super You where he will guide you to access your super powers. This training falls into many areas such as money, relationships, career, habits, emotions, and more.  Your nonconscious mind is extraordinarily powerful and by learning to access it you can rid yourself of limitations and achieve your biggest and best goal.

    Paul Scheele Seminar – Super Powers Super You

    This online video training will give you what you need to concentrate the powers of your nonconscious mind.  You can watch all of these sessions on your computer or device with no tuition charge. If you are Unfamiliar with Paul Scheele he is an expert of the nonconscious mind and his knowledge how to activate it to get astonishing results has helped many. If you have heard of him you may be familiar with PhotoReading, Genius Code, Memory Optimizer, and Future Mapping which are programs that have rave reviews. Just like those this event will be entertaining, impactful, and completely practical.

    The Super Powers Super You Paul Scheele Seminar will liberate you from limiting beliefs and allow you to earn more, fall in love, and have more energy? Be more effective, achieve a breakthrough goal, and get more from life. With this event it is best to come with your desires in mind so you set an intention so you can approach each session with it.  There is a total of 7 different sessions falling into the categories of abundance, relationships, work, habits, body, emotions, and mind.  Here is some of what will be covered in each different video session:

    • How to create prosperity consciousness
    • How to have relationships that work
    • How to have power and effectiveness
    • How to do what you intend to do
    • How to have great physical health
    • How to have abundant energy
    • How to have healthy emotions
    • How to have supportive feelings
      How to get control over your self-talk, and self-sabotaging thoughts
    • Plus much more

     There is also a stellar line up of additional experts that will be joining Paul for this event which include Marci Shimoff, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, and several more. This is how the free Paul Scheele Seminar works, when you register here and you are emailed the information and on the day of the event show up to a special webpage where you can watch the online training. Very simple and well worth your time to learn how to guide your life in the direction you desire.  As we always state take advantage of the free and events by Paul and his company learning strategies are some of the best down to earth, easy to understand and effective trainings around. The Super Powers Super You will completely change the way you think about the fears you have and show you how to look inside and find the abundance and power that is already within you.  You already know you are filled with abundant capabilities and during this online video training you will discover how you can use them to produce unimaginable results.