Tag: law of attraction

  • Living in a Visioning State With Michael Beckwith

    Living in a Visioning State With Michael BeckwithLiving in a Visioning State With Michael Beckwith will allow you to Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling.

    Have you ever found yourself perplexed and disoriented when your go-to practices, such as the Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, prayer, and meditation, no longer provide the answers you seek?

    It’s as if the familiar tools and techniques have lost their magic, leaving you yearning for something more. But fear not, for there is a new path beckoning you. The path of living in a visioning state.


    This event takes you beyond traditional visualization where you’ll tap into a realm where your vision radiates from within. This events speaker is Michael Bernard Beckwith, a bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and visionary founder of Agape International Spiritual Center. 

    Moving Beyond Limitations- Living in a Visioning State With Michael Beckwith

    It’s time to break free from the confines of visualization. While visualization and the Law of Attraction have enjoyed widespread acceptance, you may have begun to feel their limitations.

    Michael will be your guide, leading you to a deeper understanding of these practices and offering insights on how to transcend their boundaries.

    Together, you will discover a new way to connect with the essence of your soul and attune yourself to the Divine.

    The 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth: Unveiling the Path of Transformation

    To fully comprehend the journey toward living in a visioning state, we must delve into the four stages of spiritual growth: Victim, Manifester, Channel, and Being.

    Each stage represents a distinct level of consciousness and offers valuable lessons for our personal evolution.

    Michael will unravel the characteristics of each stage, shedding light on the transformative process of progression.

    By recognizing where you currently stand on this spiritual path, you gain clarity on your own consciousness and open yourself to the possibility of living as a visionary.

    Embracing Your Ideal Position: Age as a Catalyst for Visionary Living

    As you enter your 40s, 50s, and beyond, you find yourself standing at a unique vantage point.  Michael will share profound insights on why this stage of life can be ideal for experiencing life as a visionary. Also, why it is wonderful to  fully embody this role.

    With  life experiences, and self-awareness, you possess the necessary tools to align yourself with your soul’s calling.

    Through Michael’s teachings, you will discover the opportunities that await you at this stage, empowering you to live your vision with purpose.


    Transcending the Limitations of Visualization: Surrendering to the Visioning State

    While visualization has proven effective for many, it may not resonate with everyone. Michael will explore the reasons why visualization may fall short for certain individuals. Also, he will introduce the concept of the visioning state.

    This state frees you from the pressure to “outpicture” your vision and invites you to surrender to the guidance of consciousness.

    You can relinquish control and tapping into a deeper source of manifestation. In this space, you align yourself with the highest expression of your being.

    You will go beyon traditional practices and move towards a more profound and authentic way of living your vision. 

    Integration and Acceptance: Embracing the Wholeness Within

    Living in a visioning state requires you to embrace and accept all aspects of yourself. All parts without shame or blame. Michael will serve as your guide on this path of self-acceptance and integration.

    You will learn how to honor the entirety of your experiences and circumstances as you move closer to your vision.

    By acknowledging and embracing your journey with compassion, you transcend limiting beliefs. Plus, you will step into your full potential.

    Guided Practice and Conclusion: Embodying the Visioning State 

    To  unlock your hidden gifts, Michael will lead you through a powerful guided practice. Through this exercise, you experience self-discovery, aligning yourself with the vision that yearns to manifest through you.

    Active participation in this practice will initiate your transformation into living as a visionary, expressing your infinite potential. 

    Living in a Visioning State With Michael Beckwith

    Deep within you lies a unique expression of infinite potential, and it is your birthright to live in alignment with your soul’s calling.

    By transcending the limitations of conventional practices and embracing the power of living in a visioning state, you effortlessly radiate your vision and live a life filled with profound purpose and fulfillment.

    Join Michael Bernard Beckwith in this inspiring event Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling. He will share his profound teachings on moving beyond visualization and embracing the path of living as a visionary.

    You’ll discover the invaluable lessons, blessings, and gifts concealed within the four frequencies of your spiritual development.


  • Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason

    bob doyle wealth beyond reasonThe Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is now offering a free webinar and eBook.  The eBook is entitled Bridging The Abundance Gap: 3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck And Unlock Your Dreams.  It is best to grab the book first before you attend the webinar.

    Bob Doyle Secret Cast member is well known in the Law of Attraction arena. Whether you know about this law and want to no more. Or you may have heard of it and are unsure what it is, this event is designed for both.

    This event is one a few great ones that we will be covering to start your new year off right.  All the webinars and free resources we cover are free.  If you want to learn and grow, but want don’t want to break the bank doing it the Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason program is a must.


    How To Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life Today

    During this webinar Bob will be sharing things that were not necessarily covered in the movie the Secret.  In fact, if you have read or seen the movie and still struggle with the Law of Attraction then you will enjoy this.

    Does the Law of Attraction really work? We get this question often.  The answer is yes, but we find that the way people think about this law seems to be the trouble.  The view it as some “out there” magic that either does not really exist or only a few know how to harness it. That is not the case.

    The law of attraction is not like a toaster, you don’t just put the bread in and they poof you get what you want, toast.  It is more like a dish where you must take care in all the steps.  Each ingredient added with care, temperature exactly right and so on.


    Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason webinar

    When these free books and events come up we highly recommend attending them.  If you are interested in this subject you do not have to break the bank learning more.  Plus it is best to learn from those who are well versed and what better way to do that than free.

    Bob Doyle will explain more about this law during the webinar. More importantly why it is not working for you and how you can get it to work.  You will gain a plethora of knowledge by just grabbing the Bridging the Abundance Gap eBook. On top of that you get to learn from Bob at no charge, what a great way to start the year!

    Throughout the upcoming weeks we will be covering events that are complimentary.  If you want your life to change start now.  It can and will change if you dedicate just a bit of time to expanding your growth.

    If you would like to learn more or attend the Wealth Beyond Reason program you can go here.

  • Joe Vitale Secret Mirror

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror The Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique is now being shared in a complimentary video. You may know Joe as the one of the stars from the hit Movie the Secret, he is considered one of several Law of Attraction experts and if you have not read his books or heard his teachings you may want to watch this video. As like much of what we share with you this is free and the knowledge he shares is a great addition to your growth folder and in this article we want to cover a few things that we have seen around the web.

    Joe Vitale Secret Mirror Scam- Is It?

    If you type in anyone who has written a book, created products, etc. you are going to find great reviews and some that are not. In this case, we would like to address Joe Vitale and his works which include not only this technique but many other wonderful books, courses, and tools. Some of Joes work includes:


    • The Attractor Factor
    • Hypnotic Writing – As a hypnotist this is a good book and if you are not one and want to improve your writing I (Jenny) recommend it.
    • Zero Limits
    • Spiritual Marketing
    • Plus many, many more


    • Miracles Coaching
    • The Awakening Course
    • And More

    Now what does his previous works have to do with the Secret Mirror technique and it being a scam or not? In short, Joe has been around quite some time and if you really want to sift through all the reviews you can but anyone who is truly a rip off would have been put out of business a long time ago, it is common sense. In regards to this particular program we can go ahead and tell you it is legit but for most that is not enough, that is why you can watch an entire video free and learn what he teaches as well as his style.

    The true test of something such as a product or course being effective is your opinion and yours alone, you never know what other reviewers have done with a product or course. They could have bought it and placed it on their “shelf help” and never looked at it again, watching the video, seeing if it resonates with you and putting the methods and tips into practice is the only answer you will need. Many seek out or search the web for the secret mirror has anyone tried it, which we cannot quite grasp because even if someone did and they left a bad review that does not mean it will not work for you.

    The video is all about those who are having trouble with the Law of Attraction. He reveals a simple technology many of successful people have turned to for power, wealth, and a lifetime of fulfillment. And is Joe Vitale Successful, yes very, success comes for different people in different ways but there is one thing that those who struggle to manifest their dreams do not know, while a select few seem to have their every desire on demand and he reveals this method in this video. So whether you are struggling with the Law of Attraction or just want to learn more a about the Joe Vitale Secret Mirror technique, watch the video it costs you nothing but a bit of time.


  • The Three Main Strategies for Earning Money

    Everybody needs money-it’s a fact of life. The main difference between the successes every individual makes rests largely on the strategies they employ in going about it. In this article, we will talk about the three main strategies for making money and which one is the most effective of all.

    The first strategy on how to earn money is the most widely used of all three-this is when you trade your time for money. Around 96% of all individuals work like this. Most careers available in the market today fall under this category. Unfortunately after a while, it will compromise your quality of life and will ultimately be detrimental to you.

    The next strategy on making money is for you to invest money to earn money. Three percent of all people use this because not everybody has the luxury of having enough money to build wealth through this method.

    Examples of these are businesses wherein you put in finances so you can sell them for a higher price, thus incurring an income. This is a better method of making money; however, problems arise when the individual does not have enough money to invest. If you want to get rich through this avenue, it will take time and a very smart and trustworthy financial adviser to help you build wealth.

    Finally, the third strategy is leveraging yourself in order to earn money. This is by far, the best way to get rich. It is done by increasing your income generating avenues. It is the secret of those who control the majority of the world’s wealth.

    Multiple Sources of Income, or MSI, is the typical way on how to earn money through this strategy. Develop a system where people of specific niches can find you. When they do, direct them to other partner businesses that also cater to their needs. Because this won’t take up much time, you can explore other ways to make more money as well.

    What you have just read is the science of getting rich without sacrificing the quality of life everybody deserves to have. Anybody can do this. You need only to decide that you want it and plan the concrete steps you need to take to achieve your financial goals. What is the amount of money you want to earn? Portion it out into segments which correspond to a source of revenue you can grow.

    To succeed in life, you must not aim for wealth alone, but the enrichment of other people’s standard of living as well. When you help others realize their dreams, your own dreams have a way of coming into fulfillment as well. Make life beautiful and get more than what you wished for-guaranteed.

    Want to find out more about buiding wealth in six minutes a day, then visit Bob Proctor’s site, Six Minutes to Success.

  • The Different Views on the Law of Attraction

    Since learning about the Law of Attraction years ago it has changed my life in numerous ways.  I now want to share what I’ve learned and seen with those who are open and have a desire to learn a way to change their life.

    Throughout my readings and studies of the Law of Attraction, I have come across many viewpoints, ideas, tools, and tips on how to make the Law of Attraction work for people in an easy way.

    Although I believe the Law of Attraction is a quite simple concept, putting it into practice for many can be difficult.  For this reason I developed the The Law of Attraction In Depth.

    The Law of Attraction site is a compilation of many viewpoints and ideas that others have had in regards to the Law of Attraction.  It covers a wide range of topics from the Law of Attraction to the Holocaust to tips for easier creation.

    The Law of Attraction was developed to share many viewpoints with the hope of helping people.  It can be found at http://www.lawofattraction777.com

  • The Law of Attraction and The Law of Receiving

    11 forgotton lawsThe Law of Receiving is one of Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey’s 11 Forgotten Laws. The 11 Forgotten Laws is a program and study course based upon Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With The Law.

    Some what of a surprising message is this Law of Receiving. (That’s Yoda-speak for, The Law of receiving has a surprising message.) In order to receive you must first give. Most people, myself included, have always been of the mind that you must get before you can give. In my mind I have always figured when I hit the big time I will then be able to give more in charitable contributions. Habitat for Humanity is my personal favorite. I donate sporadically. But according to this Law of Receiving the giving must come first. As Raymond Holliwell states giving, “is the first law of all creation.” I believe it was the creators of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series whom I have seen giving a seminar on the benefits of giving. Considering the astounding success of their books, I am thinking they must know of what they speak. But I must say, I didn’t really get it then. I did not really get it in the Law of Attraction sort of way. Giving opens up an avenue for receiving.

    When I look back on my life I can see places where I was using this law and it was working very well for me but I wasn’t even aware. There have been many times where I gave selflessly and gained much in return. Sometimes the rewards were monetary, sometimes spiritual, often times both. In my current financial situation, I can see where my money making strategy has been a bit weak. Certainly the financial benefits have had that same weakness. Bob Proctor says, “Giving always precedes and predetermines the reception, whether you’re giving your thought, your work, your service, or your deed.”

    In my mind and most certainly in my heart, the idea that I am giving something that will benefit others makes the work so much more satisfying. It also gives the work a much higher value which can most certainly be financially beneficial. However, we must be aware that there is a right and also a wrong way to give. Careless and impulsive giving will get careless results. But there can also be as Proctor puts it, “careful, scientific giving.” If our giving retards progress then there can be no benefit. Such as giving a person food instead of teaching him to feed himself would be detrimental. However giving the help a person needs to stand on their own can be powerful.

    Proctor suggests we tithe 10% of our income before anything else. He says tithing ,”is an orderly, methodical plan of giving, which creates a steady flow of reciprocal good to be received.” Not bad. He goes on to say, “tithing gives a person self-reliance, a confidence which enables him to build up a positive mental attitude which attracts success.” That’s what I’m all about, “attracting success.”

    Now after we give, there is more to do. Next we must prepare to receive. As Raymond Holliwell states, “This is the most interesting part, because our preparation shows our active faith.” This ties in with what we know of the Law of Attraction. Our desire, and our attention to that desire, sets us up to receive what we desire. We may get what we expect to receive. Holliwell goes on to say, “The key to the law then is: We are continually drawing into life what we give and expect.” so if we give in a lazy manner we can expect to receive lazy results. However in giving it our all we can expect results that may just exceed our expectations.

    Imagine the results you will get when you give all you can give in a thoughtful manner. You may just surprise yourself.