Tag: jumpstart your wealth gene

  • Recode Your DNA For Wealth

    The Recode Your DNA For Wealth Dawn Clark program is one we have written about before in our Mice and Cherry Blossoms post.  Currently Dawn is giving away some wonderful free resources that will explain and help you recode your DNA for success.

    You may have recode your dna for wealthheard that you past affects your current and future state but you may not have heard how your ancestor’s experiences may also effect where you are today.  If you parents, grandparents or anyone help in you history were subjected to poverty or any other situation that could cause lack of wealth it may explain why you today suffer from “not enough.” While this article focuses on success and money this patterns of the past can affect areas of relationships, love, health and much more.  This may seem unbelievable to you, but if our bodies can store memories why then could we not store our relative’s memories in our DNA?

    Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene

    To help you gain a better understanding of this Dawn Clark is offering a free copy of her book entitled Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  Inside this book you will learn how you can be holding DNA from the past that limits your current success and abundance.  You will not only get an understanding of this but you can learn to identify which triggers may be holding you back and what steps you need to take to remedy it.

    Recode Your DNA For Wealth Webinar

    There is also a free webinar that compliments the eBook that you can attend and during it Dawn Clark will guide you in activating your our Wealth Gene. Now just so you are aware the book and the webinar takes you far beyond the Law of Attraction because it involves science which is great for the skeptics out there. However if you are not a skeptic or are not suffering financially this event is still for you because during it you will discover:

    • The main reason why you can’t seem to reach your dreams and what to do about it
    • How to shatter the old patterns
    • How to reclaim your life by making some quick internal repairs
    • How to transform challenges into exciting opportunities
    • Overcome 6 Generations of Scarcity Programming
    • Turn on Success and Prosperity With Scientifically-Proven Methods
    • Discover the Secret to Activating Your Wealth Gene
    • Find out which of the 7 WIN-States is yours
    • Find out 6 Steps to Succeed Where Others Fail
    • How to Recode your DNA for Wealth and prosperity
    • And More

    If you have been trying everything you know out there to try and enhance and improve areas of your life with little to no success you will want to grab a copy of Jumpstart your Wealth Gene.  After you do that you will automatically be notified of when the Dawn Clark Recode Your DNA for Wealth webinar will be happening and how to can register to attend at no charge.

  • Mice and Cherry Blossoms


    Although the Mice and Cherry Blossoms study is not new, some may not have heard of it, and results of the study were very interesting. The study has to do with fear, memories, and past generations, according to New Scientist the study was done by Brian Dias at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. You may be wondering why we would be writing about a scientific study on this site but keep on reading you will see why.

    The mice cherry blossom fear study has to do with Epigenetics which we have written about on this site before as well as fear. The study if very technical so we will let you read it yourself, but will summarize it the best we can. Mice were exposed to alarming stimuli while being exposed to the scent of cherry blossoms as well. Future generations of mice whose parent or grandparents were part of this study were also fearful of the scent of cherry blossoms without being part of the study.   This study showed that memories or in this case fear can be passed from generation to generation, in fact up to several generations back.

    Since the Mice and Cherry blossoms study there have been more studies in this area, however not being scientists we will stick with this study. Fear is one of the most powerful motivators and most of the time individuals are not motivated in a positive direction. Picture this, if your grandparents or great grandparent were exposed to debt, struggle, trauma, poor financial situations it is possible that these may have been passed to you. Let’s take the area of money, if your ancestors lived through the depression, had trouble making money, or had a lack of financial stability, this could be the reason you may be struggling today. It does make complete sense; if it can happen to mice it could happen to humans which would explain why so many people struggle with so many different things.

    Now, don’t get us wrong here, along with DNA being passed from generations to generations there may be more factors involved, however the results of this studies and others that have emerged cannot be ignored. So where are we going with all this? Well, Dawn Clark Recode DNA wealth has released a new book that she is currently offering at no charge. This book is entitled Jumpstart Your wealth Gene is Dawn’s cutting edge work which has been proven in research labs. Dawn is someone to be listened to because along with being an international bestselling author she has also worked with entrepreneurs, coaches, Fortune 100 executives, doctors, and celebrities.

    The Recode DNA Wealth download book is for you if you want to Overcome 6 generations of limiting programming and Unlock your potential for wealth and prosperity. What she explains in the books is how you can Get past these invisible barriers and literally recode your wealth gene DNA at a biological level. No matter where you are financially this book is a must read there is so much quality information that will expand you mind and explain things that we are sure many were not aware of. This book draws not only on the Mice and Cherry Blossoms study but Dawns years of expertise and hard work, to grab your copy you can go HERE.