Tag: jennifer mclean healing

  • Jennifer McLean Book

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous TransformationThere is a new Jennifer McLean Book entitled Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps To Coping And Thriving In Extreme Times. This is not available in stores quite yet but in preparation for the big event Jennifer has put together a stellar healing package that is 100% complimentary.  If you are looking to heal any area of your life from health to wealth you are going to want to take advantage of this.

    The Spontaneous Transformation Technique is a system is a healing modality that system that quickens the whole process of healing into 7 steps and 5 – 10 minutes. This method connects with your inner spirit to strengthen you and move you forward quite quickly. Sound hard to believe?  While it may be difficult to think that such a technique exists Jennifer wants to show you the power behind her method, as well as celebrate her upcoming book.  To do so she is hosting a healing marathon that will enable to channel the power of this time-tested technique to create a quickening, to rapidly move through the seeming obstacles of life.

    Jennifer McLean Book – Spontaneous Transformation

    The launch of this book is so life changing  that Jennifer went out of her way to put together one of the best free healing events we have seen in quite some time.   Here is what she has in store for you:

    • 3 healing video workshops which created I instant and spontaneous change in those who’ve watched them
    • 2 live, interactive healing shows where you can raise your virtual hand and receive your very own, personal healing session working directly with Jennifer.
    • Plus a free screening to her Spontaneous Transformation Movie

    This free week of healing is so powerful that afterwards we would love to hear your results.  In fact we have put together a little healing package of our own, anyone who leaves a comment on this post with their results will be put into a drawing of some of our most powerful healing books, audios, and more. Now that we have said that back to the Spontaneous Transformation week:

    • The video workshops themselves, are encoded with healing energies, with teachings and processes that will guide you to a new place of flow, alignment, vibrancy, health and possibility.
    • The Jennifer McLean healing shows are a rare chance to work directly with her and this does not come around often
    • We have seen the movie and if you have not we promise you will not be disappointed
    • Last but not least you will be able to get the Jennifer McLean Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times book if you choose for free and you only pay shipping and handling.

    The Jennifer McLean Book Healing week is one we will be attending and hope you do to, so that your dreams, hopes, desires, vibrant health, vitality, money, or Whatever you’ve been wanting, can finally be within reach. To attend this event and learn more about Spontaneous Transformation – 7 Steps to Coping and Thriving in Extreme Times you can go to her website.