Tag: Jack Kornfield

  • Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

    Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack KornfieldThe Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield offers a free series. This series is about exploring the path to inner tranquility.

    It is called A Mindful and kind Approach to Quieting Your Mind and it is free to watch.

    Within life lies the challenge of navigating the flow of thoughts that course through your mind. 


    This is an series will give you insights, a heightened sense of spirituality, and an embrace of cultural sensitivities.

    Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

    Kornfield and Brach’s approach ventures beyond the conventional mindfulness narrative. It’s not just about acknowledging thoughts; it’s about disentangling from their snares. The Power of Awareness offers a way of a mental liberation.

    It provides a means to emancipate yourself from the grip of recurring thought patterns. Kornfield and Brach ask us to question whether such mastery over our own cognitive processes is truly attainable.

    Harmonizing with Inner Equilibrium

    Kornfield and Brach invite you to explore this vision through mindfulness’s unique perspective. The Power of Awareness promises not only balance but a joy that resides beyond external circumstances.

    Mindfulness extends beyond the personal domain. The journey of self-discovery transcends the self, extending into the realm of human connections.

    By peeling back the layers of your own consciousness, you become equipped with an enhanced capacity to resonate with the emotional experiences of others.

    This is where the potential of  more authentic connections emerges.

    A Paradigm Shift in Perception

    This entails a shift in perspective. Kornfield, Brach, Berry, and Mason contend that reality is shaped by the perspectives through which you observe them.

    The Power of Awareness course introduces a  dimension to your collective understanding. It combines mindfulness and engaged spirituality. Kornfield, Brach, Berry, and Mason endeavor to foster a compassion-infused comprehension of our multifaceted world.

    Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

    Prior to embarking on this mindfulness odyssey, Kornfield, Brach, Berry, and Mason extend a preliminary offer. This is the free video series “A Mindful and Kind Approach to Quieting Your Mind.” This series serves as an introduction into their teachings, unraveling mindfulness and its potential to liberate  you from  your own thoughts.