Tag: Inspiration

  • Inspired Action vs. Hard Work

    Many have the belief that hard work will get you anywhere you want to be. I am not challenging that belief for it is usually true, if you do work “hard” enough you will more then likely get to where you want to be.

    However, the Law of Attraction states that if you ask it shall be given. From this, people concur that all they have to do is want something enough, allow it in and then it is there. Clarification is needed in this area as well. Although it is true that if you ask it shall be given, there is an element of effort that is needed.

    The element is called inspired action, which to some would still be termed work. However, inspired action is something you want to do. You feel good when you are inspired to do something. The term work usually has a negative connotation to it therefore it does not fit with inspired action.

    When setting out to do something that you are inspired to do you feel harmony. You no longer feel stress and tension to get the job done.

    When people stress about work, they feel negative emotions about work, they are in a state of resistance. This state of resistance will hold back whatever they asked for. It may eventually show up but it may take quite some time until it gets to the individual.

    When you are inspired to take action, things that are asked for can arrive much more quickly. You have an idea to achieve or get what you want and you act on it. You feel good when you are taking this action, it brings you joy. Then by this type of action, what you originally wanted manifests itself very quickly.

    To truly get what you are asking for, it must be understood that action is required to get it in many cases. The action however does not need to be painful or negatively charged. If an individual asks, then is inspired to take action, the true manifestation of that action will emerge. If the person asks, stresses and tries very hard with a negative attitude, what you want may show up or might not at all.