Tag: how to overcome family rejection

  • How To Let Go Of Family Issues

    One of the most difficult things may people struggle with is how to let go of family issues.  I myself have struggled with that quite often, you can find yourself at peace and then the next thing you know you are exposed to a member of your family and it all comes rushing back.  There are ways to resolve these issues some work quicker than others and some require some ongoing work, but if you truly desire to let them go these techniques are well worth the time.

    Struggles with family members range from severely traumatic to mild annoyances but either way they can greatly affect your life.  Some main issues with family members seem to be guilt, rejection, neglect, and fear, depending on a person’s life these emotions could have come from an ongoing action by a relative or a onetime statement or action that has stuck with you for all this time.  Either way they are painful or whether you realize it or not affect almost every area of your life including your health.

    How to let go of family issues

    How to Let Go of Family Issues

    The beliefs and fears instilled in your mind by family can be some of the hardest obstacles to overcome.  The techniques and methods below are quite effective and work very quickly but you have to practice them.

    Some people say that you chose your family members before you were born, that you made a soul agreement so to speak.  You knew at the time you chose these souls that there was something in this life you have to accomplish or succeed at such as forgiveness.  Whether you believe this is the case or not take a moment right now and imagine this were true for you and you did choose them.   What are you supposed to learn? What are these family members evoking in you emotion wise and is it something?   What lesson are you supposed to learn?  If you really try this you may be surprised and what you come up with, here is an example:

    Your mother and father were not mean but were neglectful, they were too busy for your essential needs such as love and acceptance.  They were always there and there were many good times but the love and the security of knowing you could always go to them was not there.

    How does the above scenario affect you now?

    Some ways may include:

    • Always looking for acceptance
    • People pleasing
    • Becoming ultra-dependent and possessive of others

    How could you view this scenario differently so you can let go of family issues?

    If you take the idea of you chose this soul before you were born you can look at the scenario as if you chose them so in this life you could achieve self-love.

    Another way to look at this scenario is that both the mother and the father were children once, what was there childhood like? Was it the same? Full of neglect? If so the parents were just doing what they were taught and what they knew best, it was not that they were intending to hurt you it was simply the way they were treated.

    Taking from the above imagine both the mother and father as children, pull out some of their childhood pictures if you have them.  Imagine those little children that you see in your mind or in the photos being as hurt as you, wanting love and security but always searching and never receiving. By looking at parents in this way you can see them as hurting souls who just did the best they could with the knowledge they had at hand.

    Now the above are conscious ways when it comes to how to let go of family issues, there are many ways you can work with your subconscious mind.  One very effect way is using EFT tapping to let go of the past, EFT or The Emotional Freedom technique is one of the quickest ways we have found to work with a plethora of issues.    The key is to be gentle with yourself when looking at these issues and do not spend a ton of time asking why but asking what can I learn from this and how can it be a benefit verses a curse.