Tag: How to Make Your Reality As Good As Your Dreams

  • How to Make Your Reality As Good As Your Dreams

    If you possess the luxury of dreaming you realize that at times your dreams can be wonderful.  Many times they are so good you would rather stay asleep to enjoy the feelings in those dreams.  Of course there are those dreams you care not to remember but there are those luscious dreams you may recall all day.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the same sensations and feelings you have in those great dreams in your everyday life?  Imagine if you could pull those feelings out of your mind and carry them with you throughout the day.  Surprisingly enough, you can.

    There is a way, that if practiced daily, you can master the art of making your dream sensations a reality.

    The first step is using a dream journal.  I know you have probably heard of a dream journal before, but let me tell you why it is so important.  In your dreams, you may have seen people that you have positive sensations with, that you should have with others in reality.  You may see places that you feel so wonderful about and then wake up not as happy with your current reality.

    That is where the dream journal comes in.  You need to remember these people and places and the sensations associated with them to be able to pull them into your reality.

    The second step consists of spending at a minimum of 15 minutes a day alone with your dream journal.  Reread the dream you had the night before and evoke those feelings you had.  However, this time, put the people or places that are currently in your life with those feelings.

    This step will take some practice.  It may not be easy at first to associate a feeling you had in your dream with one person and project it onto another, but with practice it can be accomplished.

    The third and final step consists again of evoking those feelings at night while lying down to go to sleep.  Evoke the feelings and add the people in places that you wish you had these feelings with.

    If you practiced this daily for just a week you will begin to notice changes in your attitude upon awakening.  You will begin to pull those wonderful feelings out of your dreams and they will become a part of your everyday life experience.