Tag: how to deal with negative people

  • The Law of Attraction and Negative People

    how to deal with difficult people
    This post was prompted by a comment I received on this blog that was negative in context. It was from someone who did not care or seem to believe information on this blog.

    This is a very interesting circumstance considering that the law of attraction states that you attract what comes into your experience. So somewhere, somehow I was attracting negative comments or people according to the law.

    Perhaps when I put myself out there for the world to see, I had some element of fear that others would reject or put down my posts. In my reality, it does not matter what another thinks of this blog. Simply put, if they do not like it, it is not for them and they should not be reading it.

    Another interesting aspect of receiving this comment was that I did not ask for this person’s opinion. The law of attraction teaches that if you are not asked for your opinion, why bother giving it, it is yours. My conclusion to this area is that perhaps leaving any blog open for comments is asking for good and bad comments. Your thoughts?

    My reaction to the comment was of course the most important thing. We cannot control others, but we can control how we react to them. I must say my first reaction was a big laugh, which I think is a good sign, and then I just let the comment go.

    I or no one else can every change another’s beliefs a comment back to this person would have been a very large waste of energy. It amazes me how much anger or negativity a person has. Enough anger to spend their time leaving comments that are unsavory must way heavy on ones energy and lifestyle.

    The conclusion to dealing with negative people should they come your way is simple. It helps to realize it is THEIR opinion and you cannot change it. It also always helps to consider the source of where the negativity is coming from.