Tag: hate your job

  • What To Do If You Hate Your Job

    hate your job

    Many people get stuck in the day after day repetition of their job.  For those who do not care for their job, thoughts such as “I hate my job” or “I wish I didn’t have to go to work” may plague their mind.  There may seem like there is no hope for a better future or a different way to make money.

    These thoughts are very difficult to get rid of for many due to the fact that one has to make money to provide.  One becomes stuck in the thought that the “have” to go to work to survive.  These thoughts come with a variety of different feelings, most being negative. Feelings such as dread, despair, hopelessness, and depression become daily occurrences.

    With these feelings and thoughts being at the forefront of the mind, it is easy to see that people can remain stuck in their current position if these feelings are not changed.  The question that remains is how can you change your thoughts or feelings when you “have” to do something.

    The answer is changing the “have” to a different phrase or idea.  Creating a different scenario in your mind about your job will quickly create a different mindset.  You will find with this mindset new opportunities opening up to you and the dreaded job will either become better or another way to make money will come along.

    The easiest way to create such a scenario is to think of why you are going to work in a different way.  The best example, and a reframe that I have used in the past, is to think of your job as a favor.

    Begin to imagine that you are doing your friend a favor by going to work.  In your mind pick out that friend, it may be a spouse, a family member, or a friendly coworker.  Imagine that you go to work each day to help them out, that you do not “have” to go, but out of the kindness of your heart you want to go to assist that person.

    For example, if you picked your spouse as that friend, you can imagine that you are going to work, just to help them with the bills.  During the day, if you run in to situations that are not positive in nature, think of that spouse and remember that you don’t have to be there, you simply want to help your spouse out.

    As simple as this task sounds, many may think that it can not promote any change.  However, the opposite is true.   By changing “have” to “want” you have now released resistance of negativity associated with your job.  You can now allow new, positive changes in your current employment to flow into your life as well as different monetary opportunities.