Tag: Greek Goddess

  • Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes

    Embody Powerful Goddess ArchetypesYou can learn how to Activate and Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes with Jean Shinoda Bolen.  She will show you how to Activate the Wisdom and Boldness of the Goddesses Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be.


    Approaching the age of 50 marks a significant threshold. It’s a transition into a more genuine and fulfilling phase of life.

    It is a time characterized by increased self-assurance, inspiration, creativity, compassion, and deepened spirituality.

    Harnessing the transformative energies of the Goddesses, which reside within each individual, provides a powerful avenue to awaken and embody these qualities.

    Join Jean as she guides you in exploring the influential Goddess archetypes. The archetypes  that can help you release limitations and confidently step into your fullest self-expression.

    Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes

    During this empowering mini-workshop, you will:

    Discover the Archetypal Energies

    You will explore the realization that you possess the archetypal energies.

    Many several powerful Goddesses are within yourself. Some of these may have been present since childhood.

    Potency of the Divine Feminine

    You will begin to understand how the Divine Feminine energies within you are magnified during this period. They are waiting to support your personal growth and contribute to the evolution of the collective.

    Embracing Hecate’s Wisdom

    You will also Delve into the wisdom of the Greek Goddess Hecate. She is a figure associated with psychic abilities and midwifery.

    Plus, you will tap into your intuitive powers and give birth to a more purposeful life.


    The Power of Women’s Circles

    You will begin to recognize women’s support circles as potent archetypes in their own right.

    Plus, you will experience the profound sacredness of the world and deepen your connection to it. This is done through the collective empowerment of such circles.

    Guided Visualization with Artemis

    You will engage in a  guided visualization exercise that enables you to connect with the archetypal energies of Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon.

    Through this process, embrace your playful inner child and gain a fresh perspective on your next steps forward.

    Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes

    During this event you will align with your true essence that lies beneath familial and cultural conditioning, as disempowering beliefs.

    You’ll become empowered to transcend societal expectations and self-imposed limitations. You can finally embark on a path that resonates with the  desires of your soul.

    As you embody the wisdom and boldness of the Goddesses within, you find comfort in your own skin. You will begin to feel empowered in your purpose. Whether it involves lovingly caring for others or advocating for them you can experience happiness and creativity in your everyday life.

    Join this webcast to unlock the transformative power that lies within. Finally, you can embrace  these archetypal energies.