Tag: fulfillment after 50

  • Thriving in Your Third Act – Fulfillment After 50

    thriving in your third act summitThriving in Your Third Act in an online event designed for women. Offered by the Shift Network this event is designed to share direction on how to find fulfillment after 50.  This is a 3-day online webcast where you will Draw Inspiration from Women who are Redefining Life After 50

    The third act of life definition is the last 3 decades of life.  Many when they reach a certain age may feel like feel like they don’t know which direction to go. Society has a message that once you reach a certain age you have reached the top and have done what you are meant to do in this life.

    This message can be disheartening but for many this phase of life is a time to flourish.  If you want to continue to fulfill your true purpose and share the wisdom you have acquired then this event is for you.  By attending you will hear tools, tips, and practices that will help you manifest your highest potential.


    Thriving in Your Third Act Summit

    You’ve already lived a rich life, and now you may be thinking “What’s next?” if this is the case for you or you know what you want to do next but don’t know where to begin this is one training not to be missed.

    There is a full line up of speakers that have all gathered together to guide and support you on your personal journey of transformation at whatever stage of life you’re in. you’ll discover a clear path, with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with and fulfill your wildest dreams

    Some of the Speakers include Jean Shinoda Bolen, Annie Kay, Anodea Judith, Yeye Luisah Teish, Grandmother Flordemayo, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Cynthia James, Katie Hendricks, Reverend Deborah Johnson, Camille Maurine, Sarah Marshank, and many more.

    Women Finding Fire and Fulfillment After 50

    You will learn that your life experience is only the beginning.  It is the time for you to embrace this time of life and a chance to enrich the lives of others and make a difference in everything you do.  During this 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:

    • discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live
    • Learn Practices for retraining your brain to stay happen and not fall into hopelessness or depression
    • Learn about your body and the energy it has and how to bring more life to your energy body
    • Discover many ways to change and enhance your focus, and your passions
    • Learn how you can renew your life and reinvent yourself
    • Create a supportive, thriving community of your choice
    • How to maintain optimal health during your wisdom years
    • Learn express yourself spiritually
    • Practices to increase empathy and intuition
    • How to revitalize every area of your life
    • Step into the fullest expression of yourself
    • Embody your inner boldness
    • expand your capacities in standing for Love

    Your passion and your wisdom are not only vital for your life they’re also key to solving the issues facing our world today. The Thriving in your Third act however will give you new ways you can use your unique gifts to help create a thriving world for future generations. You’ll also be able to join Women who have found Fulfillment, Passion, and Purpose After 50.