Tag: finding your higher power

  • Your Higher Power

    your higher power

    Whatever or whomever your higher power may be it must be remembered that it is your greatest strength.  People may try to sway you one way or another on what or whom should be your higher power, but you should still maintain your own belief.

    By staying strong with your higher power you will draw a great number of benefits.  It is your strength, your will, and your path to all your desires.  If one has confusion of what or who their higher power is, then that life of confusion may deliver great mishaps and lead to an attitude of loss.

    Trying to find your higher power amongst your confusion can be a difficult task but can be accomplished.  Your higher power is what feels right to you, it is not what others tell you is right.  It is deep within you and is an inner knowing of what your true beliefs are.  If you are judged by your beliefs by others, then those people should not be in your life experience.   If you feel the need to judge others then it may be that you have not found your true higher power.

    A belief in a higher power is not to be forced upon others but offered if asked.  Individuality in beliefs and lifestyles is imperative for inner peace and harmony.  In most cases, if you are surrounded by negativity or feel the need to spread it, a higher power of peace has not been found.

    If you are solid in your belief in you higher power what are the benefits?  The tapping into its strength and having peace of mind would be most likely.  If one has difficulty with tapping into their higher power there are a few techniques one can use.

    –         Lie down with your eyes closed and ask your higher power for peace, strength or whatever you may need.  Feel the power radiating through your body.  If you do not feel it right away, wait, it will come.

    –         If there is literature about or from your higher power, read it in a place of silence.  Absorb it and don’t stop reading until you understand each word and feel a sense of calm

    –         Listen to motivational cd’s or tapes at home or while driving.  Motivation from what you consider to be you higher power will start and end every day right.

    Finding and drawing from your higher power will put your life back on track quicker then you could ever imagine.  Your belief in your higher power and ability to draw upon it will cause miracles to happen very quickly in your life experience.

    These are just a few tips and I would love to hear more, so if you have any feel free to contact me or leave a comment.