Tag: everything you think you know is wrong

  • Everything You Think is Wrong Day

    everything you think is wrong day 2016March 15 is National Everything You Think is Wrong Day today is a day created to avoid choices because every thought you have is wrong. In contrast tomorrow March 16 is Everything You Do is Right Day, We were unable to find the creator of these days however that does not mean we will not celebrate them Desire and Belief style.

    How to Celebrate Everything You Think is Wrong Day

    To celebrate this day we suggest watching your thoughts, taking each one of them and evaluating the truth of them. The thoughts we think create our reality and if we take a look at the ones we have during the day it can give us all great insight. By questioning the truth of your thoughts you can find a wealth of information:

    Are they thoughts of lack such as “I don’t have enough money”, “I will never get that promotion”, or “I will never find a mate”

    Are they judgmental thoughts such as “That person is ignorant” or “I am not good looking”

    Are they “needy” thoughts such as “I need to lose weight” or “I need that person in my life to be happy?”

    Are they thoughts of sadness such as “I will never be good enough” or “I am always lonely?”

    Are the thoughts you think today that drag you down or thoughts that build you up? By taking just this one day you look carefully at what you are thinking you can gain knowledge that can literally change your life. If you thoughts are negative take a look at your life, is there more negative things or positive things? Do you have an influx of all your desires or does it seem you are always trying but never getting what you want? If you notice more negative in your life, then you have found one way to change that and that is change your thoughts.

    You may have heard of Louise Hay Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life if it is a wonderful book and program that has helped millions. If you have never heard of it is well worth checking out and you can do so on the Louise Hay website.  Now if you are a skeptic that a little change of mind can affect your life in powerful ways, take National Everything you think is wrong day to challenge that. If you think something positive leave it alone but if you think something negative question it, put it to the test, is it true? Is it based on past circumstances that are not true anymore that you are hanging onto?

    Now tomorrow is everything you do it right day and we have some wonderful ideas to celebrate that day so check back tomorrow. As for National Everything You Think is Wrong Day how do you plan to celebrate it? Leave us a comment and let us know!

    Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson