If you ever have any doubt about why you are not receiving what your asking for remember the vortex:)
If you ever have any doubt about why you are not receiving what your asking for remember the vortex:)
While reading “Money and The Law of Attraction” by Jerry and Esther Hicks. I came across a wonderful quote that I would like to expand upon. There are of course many great quotes in the Hicks books but this one really took resonance with me at the time.
“It is not a good idea to stand in your perspective and try to evaluate the appropriateness of what anyone else is living because you will never be able to figure it out. But you always know where you stand relative to what you are wanting. And if you will pay attention to what you are thinking and let your thoughts be guided by the feeling that comes forth within you, you will find yourself guiding your thoughts more of the time in the direction of that which will ultimately please you.”
In the first line of this quote it speaks of not evaluating others, in other words, not trying to figure each other out. So many of us, including myself, have taken time wondering why people do what they do. If we actually took a count of all the minutes we wasted on trying to figure others out, I am sure the number would be astronomical.
Also, if people took on this attitude I am sure that many peoples lives would be much happier. For example, imagine if people did not try to figure out what government officials were thinking or if parents did not judge their children because they are not living from their ideal perspective. By not doing these things imagine the relief and happiness an individual would feel.
If people would come across what they did not understand or approve of in others and then change their own mind, massive relief would be theirs. In the above examples a fix would be to want the government officials to do the best they can or for parents want their children to be happy.
This is easier said then done, for many, do to the fact that we are conditioned to try to figure people out. Due to our emotions we have learned to take things personally. We also have the inherent need to be heard. Therefore passing judgment or offering unsolicited advice will give a sense of self worth. Many do this to be of help from their perspective but to others it could be damaging.
This quote I believe is very powerful and should be remembered and shared. When sharing, it is always important to remember to ask if someone would like your opinion or assistance. If they do not, don’t give it, it is yours to keep not their belief.
Before I learned of the focus wheel I used to teach in others what I called the step-up beliefs. What I meant by that was choosing a thought that was just one step-up from where the negative belief was. My theory of teaching this was to create a thought in my clients that they could easily accept. For example, ” I am fat” to ” I am thin” was not to believable. However, I look good in that outfit was. Looks like I missed the boat copy writing that one huh:) Here is a video and free download of Abraham-Hicks Focus Wheel