Tag: do subliminal messages really work

  • Subliminal Messages Really Work – Do They?

    Subliminal Messages Really WorkHere is some good news if you have been wondering if subliminal messages really work. For a limited time Subliminal Guru is offering two free downloads of your choice ,There are several you can choose from as well but for this article we will focus on the company and how these downloads can work and can help your thoughts and life. So, let’s start at the beginning.

    Get Them Here

    What Are Subliminals?

    To first understand this you need to understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind actually does most of your thinking for you for example when you run into a red light you stop because it is has been programmed into your bran for so long. The conscious mind takes information and evaluates it while the subconscious mind does things in a more automatic fashion. In the case of how to attraction money if you are not where you want to be financially more than likely you have it programmed in that money is scarce, that you will always be poor or some other negative thought about money.

    Now there are two ways these can work which are:

    • Visual
    • Audio

    Visual Subliminal Messages work by flashing messages briefly in front of the eyes while audio has embedded subliminal affirmations inside music, your subconscious mind hears and accepts these positive affirmations and the conscious mind disregards them.

    Subliminal Messages Really Work

    The free subliminal messages you can download will be the true test for you to answer that question but we will share with you how they do work in our opinion. Your deepest thoughts and belief patterns that have been installed into your mind throughout the years and subliminals literally change those thoughts by providing your subconscious mind with newer ways of thinking, and repeating them over and over. Subliminal means below the threshold of consciousness and these messages are exposed to your less than conscious mind while your conscious mind ignores it. By using them they can help change your thought patterns about finances, money, health or any other area of life that you desire.

    By listening to the audios you build new thought patterns from the inside out you simply listen to the MP3 audio which is around 10 minutes long , and let commands change or rewire your subconscious beliefs and habits. At first you will notice subtle changes but then they will become more powerful to the point of other people noticing as well. You can play the mp3s s while you are on your computer or other device, they do not interfere with what you are doing. After listening for just a short time period you will begin to notice things suddenly just changing and for the better! There is more technical information about this area that we will not cover because the find out if subliminal messages really work can only be answered by you, to gain access to the free subliminal guru download you can go to their site HERE. Remember listen to them more than once and give them a fair shot.